JsonLogic implementation in Elixir.
Forked from liuming/json_logic_elixir and modified by Box ID to allow for project-specific extensions (custom operations) at compile-time.
This package can be installed by adding json_logic
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:json_logic, github: "box-id/json_logic_elixir"}
iex> JsonLogic.apply(%{"log" => "value"})
Detailed documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/json_logic.
To add custom operators to JsonLogic, implement them like in the following example:
defmodule MyApp.JsonLogic do
use JsonLogic.Base,
operations: %{
"regex" => :regex_match
def regex_match([pattern, field], data) do
string = if is_map(field), do: __MODULE__.apply(field, data), else: field
regex = compile_regex(pattern)
Regex.match?(regex, string)
defp compile_regex(pattern) when is_binary(pattern), do: Regex.compile!(pattern)
defp compile_regex(%{"pattern" => pattern, "options" => options}),
do: Regex.compile!(pattern, options)
Extensions can be used like this:
defmodule MyApp.JsonLogic do
use JsonLogic.Base,
extensions: [JsonLogic.Extension.Obj]
Extensions can bring one or multiple operators. Using extensions is compatible with custom operators.
See the JsonLogic.Extension for how to implement an extension.
The following extensions are available, but not enabled by default:
Operators | Extension Module |
obj |
JsonLogic.Extensions.Obj |
replace |
JsonLogic.Extensions.Replace |
encode_json , encode_json_obj |
JsonLogic.Extensions.EncodeJson |