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The Common Reusable SHell (CRaSH) is a shell designed for extending Java programs and the Java Virtual Machine.
- Website : http://vietj.github.com/crash
- Downloads: http://code.google.com/p/crsh/downloads/list
- JIRA: http://jira.exoplatform.org/browse/CRASH
- Documentation: http://vietj.github.com/crash/
- Continuous Integration: https://vietj.ci.cloudbees.com/job/CRaSH/
CRaSH can be obtained by cloning the Git repository git@github.com:vietj/crash.git
git clone git@github.com:vietj/crash.git
CRaSH is built with Maven.
mvn install
it will produce several files:
: the standalone jarshell/packaging/target/crsh-${version}.tar.gz
: the standalone tar gzshell/packaging/target/crsh-${version}.war
: the web archive packageexo/jackrabbit/target/crsh.jcr.jackrabbit-${version}.war
: the exo jcr web archivejcr/jackrabbit/target/crsh.jcr.jackrabbit-${version}.war
: the jackrabbit jcr web archive
The maven release is build with the release profile.
mvn install -Prelease
It will produce:
: the full distribution