Token emission based on MintableToken
To work and receive funds in the main blockchain, the contract needs to be uploaded to the Ethereum blockchain.
The contract defines several auxiliary contract classes. You need to run CustomMintTokenCrowdsale.
You need to pass the value “rate” as a parameter. Since smart contracts don’t support fractional numbers, the rate must be an integer from 1 to 999. Rate is the CMT token “rate”. That means “how much Ether you need to pay for 1000 BETC”. It can be calculated using the following formula: rate = 1000 * (CMT rate in USD) / (ETH rate in USD). For example, if today’s Ether rate is 450 USD, and we’re going to sell CMT for 10 USD, then the rate will be calculated as follows = 1000 * 10/450 = 22.22... (approx. 22).
After the contract is uploaded to the network, it will get an address to that investors have to send you Ether.
After the contract is sent to the network, it will get the CMT token address in its parameters. Anyone who wants information about this token (for example, account balance) to be displayed in Mist should add this address in the following section: Contracts -> Custom Tokens -> Watch Token.
The current contract parameters will be available in its interface:
- Rate is a rate for calculation of token costs.
- EndTime is a date and time when crowSale ended. In this modification the contract will not be changed.
- WeiRaised shows how much Ether investors have sent to the contract. The amount is displayed in Wei. Wei is the smallest denomination of Ether, such that one Ether is ten to the eighteenth power of Wei. There is an unusually large zeros number, but these are features of smart contracts that don’t support fractional numbers.
- TokensMinted shows how many tokens have been issued in total. The number is also multiplied by 100 to correctly display fractional shares of tokens.
- StartTime is a token sale start time. It coincides with the time the contract was uploaded to the network.
- isPaused is a variable that shows whether the token sale has been suspended.
- MinimumSupply is a minimum number of tokens that can be sold in one transaction.
- SaleStatus is a contract status and token sale (Running or Paused).
- Token is a CMT token address required to track investor balances.
- There are also a number of functions:
- SetRate is used to set rate.
- BuyTokens is used to buy tokens. When sending Ether to the contract address, it’s called automatically.
- IssueTokens. With this function, the contract Owner can transfer any token number to the address set as a parameter.
- PauseCrowdSale is used to pause the token sale.
- StartCrowdSale is used to resume sales in CrowdSale.
- TransferOwnership. Initially the contract Owner becomes the one who uploaded the contract to the network. It’s possible to call the SetRate, StartCrowdSale, PauseCrowdSale, TransferOwnership, IssueTokens functions only from the same wallet. However, the Owner can transfer his rights to another address using this function.
In the contract interface you can track the events generated by the contract. To do this, you need to check the “Watch contract events” box. Events will display who and when made the transfer to the contract address, the Ether amount (in Wei), how many tokens were received (also must be divided by ten to the eighteenth power) and how many tokens have been issued by that time. The auxiliary fields “integer_value” (this is the collected Ether amount rounded down to the nearest integer) as well as the “integer_amount” field (the amount of issued tokens rounded down to the nearest integer) have been added. Also, the events will display information about the tokens transferred by the Owner through IssueTokens function.
All funds received on the contract account are automatically transferred to the contract Owner’s wallet.
Contract is MIT licensed.