This function provides a solution to the missing screenX and screenY functions in p5.js. See processing/p5.js#1553 for the discussion.
This is work in progress.
As far as I could find out there should be anything implemented to make it work perfectly in any mode (2D, WEBGL, angleMode DEGREES or RADIANS, normal or instance mode). If you'll find a case that isn't working correctly, please file an issue.
For a quick look on what it's doing see
Download the latest release of addScreenPositionFunction.js
Link to it in your HTML file. It's only working in combination with p5.js.
<script src="p5.js"></script>
<script src="addScreenPositionFunction.js"></script>
Call the function addScreenPositionFunction()
after creating the canvas.
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
If your using p5.js in instance mode you have to pass the instance:
p.setup = function() {
p.createCanvas(400, 400);
addScreenPositionFunction( p );
Now you can use screenPosition(x, y, [z])
to get the position of a coordinate on screen. It returns a p5.Vector.
var p = screenPosition(-100, 50, 0);
var v = createVector(-100, 50, 0)
var p = screenPosition( v );
var v = [-100, 50, 0];
var p = screenPosition( v );
Thanks to Thibault Coppex (@tcoppex) for the 3d-modelview-projection-math he supplied in the issue discussion thread (processing/p5.js#1553). I had to adjust it a bit maybe because p5js changed the way webgl is handled since 2016.