group -> Babar Naveed Memon 20648640 Ryan Catoen 20476358
TO RUN THE PROJECT: FIRST USE MAKE THEN COMPILE SERVER AND CLIENT example: g++ -L. server_functions.o server_function_skels.o server.c -lrpc -o server -pthread g++ -L. client1.c -lrpc -o client1 -pthread
the example in the assignment it doesnt include -pthread(please include that) and instead of server.o and client.o you need server.c and client.c because we aren't compiling server/client files in our makefile
Client/Binder protocol:
Client sends the following to Binder in rpcCall LOC_REQUEST function name argTypes
Binder receives the above info and checks for a server with a matching function name and argTypes
Binder sends a status code and possibly server port and server address to Client
LOC_SUCCESS: The client receives the following info server port server address LOC_FAILURE The client returns -1
Addionally the client may send TERMINATE to the binder, in this case the binder will send a msg to all servers to terminate
Server/Binder protocol:
Server sends the following to Binder in rpcRegister REGISTER server address server port function name argTypes
Binder receives the above info and stores the following info about the server function in its database
function name
server socket
server address
socket that the server is connected to on the binder
the number of arguments of the function
The binder sends a status code and error code back to the server
REGISTER_FAILURE: return error code
REGISTER_SUCCESS: the server adds a map for the skeleton function to be called later
Addionally the binder may send TERMINATE to the server, in this case the server will terminate
Client sends the following info to a server that the binder determined was able to run the requested function
function name
The server then looks up the function name in its map and calls the skeleton function with the given information
The return value of the skeleton function is stored in res
If res is equal to 0 then we return EXCUTE_SUCCESS and the information below Otherwise we return EXECUTE_FAILURE
EXECUTE_SUCCES: function name argTypes args
The client receives the above information
EXECUTE SUCCESS: modifies the original args to contain the args sent back from the server
Bonus - client caching
We implemented the bonus of caching the server location of functions on the client
Here is the flow of rpcCacheCall
Client checks if there is a matching function signature in its cache If so we attempt to send an rpc call to the server If it is successful we return 0
Otherwise we continue looping through all matching function signatures and repeating
If we are not successful by the time we reach the end of our cache the client sends the following to the binder after deleting all copies of the requested function signature in the cache
CACHE_REQUEST function name argTypes
The binder responds with either CACHE_SUCCESS if it finds at least one matching function signature or CACHE_FAILURE if it does not
CACHE_SUCCESS: Client receives the following info: number of matching functions That number of serialized serverFunction structs The client then loads the serverFunction structs into the cache
Client checks if there is a matching function signature in its cache
If so we attempt to send an rpc call to the server
If it is successful we return 0
Otherwise we continue looping through all matching function signatures and repeating
If we are not successful by the time we reach the end of our cache then we return 0
CACHE_FAILURE: return -1