- Requirements
+ python 3.6
+ gensim (3.7.1)
+ numpy (1.16.2)
+ torch (0.4.0)
+ tqdm (4.31.1)
- To get data for language model (LM) pretraining:
cd definition-example
mkdir data
cd data
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/research.metamind.io/wikitext/wikitext-103-v1.zip
unzip wikitext-103-v1.zip
- To get data for Google word vectors use official site
Contact the author of this project to obtain the dataset.
- data format (json file)
data = [
["word1", "word2", ...],
["word1", "word2", ...]
So i-th element of the data:
data[i][0][0] - word being defined (string)
data[i][1] - definition (list of strings)
data[i][2] - context to understand word meaning (list of strings)
- Prepare the vocabulary and the word embedding.
cd scripts
bash preprocess.sh
- S+G+CH
The S+G+CH model is based on Websail-NU/torch-defseq, and detailed instruction can be found there.
cd scripts
bash train_sgh.sh 0
- S+IAdaptive
To install AdaGram software to implement S+IAdaptive Model
Specific content can be referred to agadetsky/pytorch-definitions
bash train_ada.sh 0
- S+IAttention
The S+IAttention model is based on agadetsky/pytorch-definitions, and detailed instruction can be found there.
bash train_iattention.sh 0
- Train the Gated Context-Aware Network
bash train_gca.sh 0
- Evaluate the PPL in test set
bash eval.sh
- Generate the definitions in test set
bash generate.sh
You can compute bleu using python ./compute_bleu/bleu.py
Contact: z962630523@gmail.com