Donut forget what to do!
Prework for Codepath's Android Bootcamp Application
Submitted by: Della Anjeh
Time spent: 14 hours spent in total
ToDonut supports any API above 16.
Base functionality:
- User can successfully add and remove items from the todo list
- User can tap a todo item in the list to edit them and see their changes reflected in the todo list.
- User can persist todo items and retrieve them properly on app restart
The following optional features are implemented:
- Adding tasks in done in a dialog fragment as opposed to in a separate activity
- All tasks persist into SQLite instead of a text file
- Improve style of the todo items in the list using a custom adapter
- Adds support for completion due dates for todo items (and display within listview item)
- Additional task details are added, such as due date and notes
- Expand upon a task by tapping an item in the list to see more information about it
- Ability to mark tasks as completed, and see that reflected in the UI
- Feast their eyes on a bright, fun, and organized UI
GIF created with LiceCap.
Many of my challenges came from using a DialogFragment instead of an Activity to affect views in the app. Once I figured out how to make listeners out of the activities I was referencing, those were fixed. This app is the first time I've ever worked with the action bar built into Android so learning how to manipulate that was pretty nice. And I have never worked with material design as seriously as I did while building this project, so I'm glad for that. I know I have much more to learn though!