- Adjust Assignment 1 as follows:
Remove the file reading. The program should "fib" the number on the command line only, as supplied
For the "int" type, determine the largest fibbable number.
Change the type to the largest (widest) possible int so that you can fib a much larger number.
In the spreadsheet, add a column for type name and one for "width of that int type".
Re-run enough tests to infer the performance curve for (each) iterative and recursive.
Add the tests to see if the wider int changes the perf of numbers that fit within the basic int (is there a cost for going to wider ints).
For funsies (i.e. 10 extra points), run all the sizes of int there are and add the numbers to the sheet as above
Hint: create a .sh script to help you out by generating a CSV
Hint2: Can typedef make it easier to modify the code?
Can you fit a curve to it? Can you analyze its O() perf?
More funsies: 5 pts if you can cause your program to output the place where overflow would occur rather than just blasting past it.
- Hint: write a routine that takes two numbers and determines if they can safely be added
I am your boss. I have given you this assignment and I'm looking for insight. A sheet full of zeroes is NOT useful. A sheet I cannot play with (sort, calculate) on is NOT useful.
The mod for this should take 10 minutes, running it should take 15-20. If it's much more, LMK.
Check in and submit by Monday 9/23 0600.