The trading framework for Huobi Exchange
- Can be used for trading a portfolio
- Automatically execute order based on the actions of agents
- Orders can be traced for filling
- Sets of configurable parameters in json
- Two models are integrated (Policy Gradient & Recurrent Policy Gradient)
- Periodically running
- Find more from the code :)
- Python 3.5+
- numpy
- tensorflow
- pandas
- talib
- statsmodels
- Recurrent Policy Gradient
- Improved based on Recurrent Reinforcement Learning: A Hybrid Approach
- Integrate RNN to encode the temporal correlation
- Predict the observation of next state (supervised approach)
- Feed the output of RNN into a vanilla Policy Gradient
- Slow, but better than Vanilla PG
- Policy Gradient
- The implementation of vanilla Policy Gradient Policy Gradient Methods for Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation
- Simple, fast, stable
The interpretation of config file:
"models": {
// hyper-parameters for PG
"PolicyGradient": {
"hidden_units_number": [
"model_path": "./model_backup/PolicyGradient"
// hyper-parameters for RPG
"RecurrentPolicyGradient": {
"hidden_units_number": [
"model_path": "./model_backup/RecurrentPolicyGradient"
"data": {
"trade_bar_count": 200, //data length for trading, should be longer than batch size
"train_bar_count": 2000,//data length for trading, should be longer than train size
"tick_interval": "60min"//tick interval, currently only support trade hourly
"train": {
"fee": 1e-5, // fee for training
"normalize_length": 10, //normalize data before feed into the network
"batch_size": 64,
"learning_rate": 1e-3,
"reward_threshold": 0.3, // threshold for stopping training
"max_training_epoch": 30,
"train_length": 1500
"test": {
"test_length": 400
"trade": {
"base_currency": "eth", // symbol: <basecurrency><asset>: (ethbat)
"debug_mode": true,// order will not send to the exchange
"portfolio_config": "./config/portfolio_config.json", // file content like ["eth","bat","xmr"]
"model_type": "PolicyGradient",
"account_file": "./config/account.json", //{"ACCESS_KEY": "","SECRET_KEY": ""}
"order_type": "limit",
"price_discount": -1e-3,//discount of limit order price, prevent not enough balance, negative for helping fill orders immediatly
"amount_discount": 0.05, //prevent not enough balance
"order_wait_interval": 0,//interval between orders
"trace_order": true,
"trade_trigger": 55,//the minute for trading in every hour
"max_asset_percent": 0.5, // max asset weight for a single asset
"max_order_waiting_time": 300 // exceed this time will trigger sending market order
"system": {
"log_file": "./log/portfolio_log.csv"
There is always risk of loss in trading. All trading strategies are used at your own risk
The volumes of many cryptocurrency markets are still low. Market impact and slippage may badly affect the results during live trading.
- Implement DRPG for continuous action output
- Refactor with PyTorch
- Documents
- Maybe More