This mod provides the tools to both improve the standard terrain generation of the game, and override aspects of it with image maps, allowing precise control over height, biomes, location placement, and forest coverage.
These generated worlds can be shared with others (who have this mod installed) by simply copying the usual world files, along with the extra .BetterContinents
See maps people have shared here.
Check the links above for documentation and installation instructions.
- Use image files as base heightmap layer, detail heightmap layer, and biome specific heightmap layer, with blending options for each
- Use an image file to specify biomes
- Use an image file to specify spawning positions for locations, including player start, bosses, and trader
- Use an image file to specify forest coverage, including in biomes that normally are totally forested (Swamp, Mistlands, Dark Forest, Mountains)
- Change global scale – changes continent sizes
- Adjust mountains amount
- Adjust sea level
- Adjust forest scaling (how big the contiguous areas of forest/clearings are), and amount
- Specify starting position explicitly
- Additional customizable ridged heightmap layer gives more varied geography
- Still allows loading vanilla maps, without needing to adjust any settings or disable the mod
- Backwards compatible (since version 0.2) – worlds created with older versions will still look the same when loaded with newer ones[]Includes a debug mode to automatically enable cheats, reveal the full map, toggle on vanilla debugmode, and various other things, for quicker testing[]Allows skipping of default location placement for quick world generation
- Has extensive console command list for adjusting all settings, and regenerating locations
- Custom map update when using console commands allows changes to be seen in full in a matter of seconds
- Export full map to png at any resolution