Use this project as a starting point to learn and improve your Rails skills.
Here are the problem description:
- This application is completely REST API based. No need for frontend with erb, or javascript.
- You can use either Insomnia or Postman to test your rest API, including all features.
We are building a sports website where users will be able to participate in games.
- First there are "Game" as the top most resource. Each game could be Football, basketball, tabletennis, etc.
- You should be able to do CRUD operations using JSON api. CRUD = Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete.
- League has these fields:
- Name: (Football, Basketball, ...)
- Governing body: National Football association, etc
- Second you have "Division"
- Each division will belong to a Game. There can be multiple divisions per game. Eg: Football can have, "Premier league", "First division", "Second division", etc. You should be able to do CRUD operations on a division
- Following fields
- Name: Premier league, First division, etc
- Game: the id of the game
- Third you have "Team". A team will belong to a division. Eg: Chelsea, Arsenal will belong to "Premier league" division. "Three start club" will belong to "First division". You should be able to do CRUD operations with JSON REST API.
- Following fields
- Name
- division id
- Manager name
- Manager contact
- Following fields
We will add authentication to the app.
- We should be able to create accounts.
- Admin account can do CRUD operation on any of the three resources above: Game, Division, Team.
- Regular account can do CRUD operation only on their own. Eg: They can create a Game, add divisions to the game, add teams inside the divisions. But they should not be able to do CRUD operations on other people's resources.
Create a free account in heroku. And deploy your application there. You should be able to finally test all of these features on heroku using Postman or Insomnia.