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BFarm Mobile Application

Directory Structure

├── @types          # Custom TypeScript definitions
├── app             # App entry and routing
├── assets          # Static assets like images and fonts
├── components      # Reusable UI components
├── constants       # Static constants and enums
├── context         # React context for global state
├── hooks           # Custom React hooks
├── screens         # App screens grouped by features
│   ├── auth        # Authentication-related screens
│   ├── home        # Main app screens
│   ├── news-feed   # News feed screens
│   └── todo        # Example or todo-related screens
├── services        # API services and external integrations
│   ├── api         # Axios instance and API methods
│   └── translations # Localization files
├── store           # Redux store and slices



Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (>=16.x)
  • bun (>=1.x.x)
  • Expo CLI
  • Android Studio or Xcode for native builds


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd bfarm-mobile
  2. Install dependencies:

    bun install
  3. Configure environment variables: Create a .env file at the root and define your variables.

  4. Start the development server:

    bun start

API Query Usage

This project uses @tanstack/react-query for efficient data fetching and state management. Below is an example of how API calls are structured:

Example: Fetching User Data

import { useQuery, useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query';

import { UserServices } from './userService';

import type { User } from './schema';

const enum UserQueryKey {
  fetchOne = 'fetchOneUser',

const useFetchOneQuery = (currentId: User['id']) =>
    enabled: currentId >= 0,
    queryFn: () => UserServices.fetchOne(currentId),
    queryKey: [UserQueryKey.fetchOne, currentId],

export const useUser = () => {
  const client = useQueryClient();

  const invalidateQuery = (queryKeys: UserQueryKey[]) =>
      queryKey: queryKeys,

  return {

This approach modularizes API calls, supports query invalidation, and integrates seamlessly with React Query for caching and reactivity.


Here are some useful scripts defined in the package.json:

Command Description
bun start Start the Expo development server
bun android Run the app on an Android device/emulator
bun ios Run the app on an iOS simulator
bun web Run the app in a web browser
bun lint Run ESLint to lint code
bun typecheck Type-check the project using TypeScript
bun test Run unit tests using Jest
bun prebuild Prepare the project for native builds
bun android:release Build a release version for Android
bun ios:release Build a release version for iOS

Technologies Used


  • React Native: Core framework
  • Expo: Build and development platform
  • TypeScript: Type safety and modern JavaScript features


  • Gluestack UI: Modular component library
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework
  • nativewind: Tailwind CSS for React Native

State Management

  • Redux Toolkit: State management
  • React Query: Server-state management

API & Networking

  • Axios: HTTP client
  • React Hook Form: Form handling


  • i18next: Internationalization framework


  • Jest: Unit testing
  • Detox: End-to-end testing

Environment Variables

The application relies on a .env file for sensitive configurations. Below are the required variables:

  • API_BASE_URL: Base URL for the backend API
  • NODE_ENV: Development or production mode

🤝 Contributing

Local Development Flow

  1. Create a new branch for your feature

    git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
  2. Make your changes and commit frequently

    git commit -m 'feat: add new feature component'
    git commit -m 'feat: implement feature logic'
    git commit -m 'test: add tests for new feature'
  3. Keep your branch up to date by rebasing with main

    # Update your local main
    git checkout main
    git pull origin main
    # Rebase your feature branch
    git checkout feature/amazing-feature
    git rebase main
    # If there are conflicts, resolve them and continue
    git rebase --continue
  4. Push your branch to GitHub

    git push origin feature/amazing-feature

    If you've rebased your branch and get a push rejection, use force-push:

    git push --force-with-lease origin feature/amazing-feature

    ⚠️ Note: Use --force-with-lease instead of --force as it's safer. It will prevent you from overwriting others' work if someone else has pushed to your branch.

Pull Request Process

  1. Create a Pull Request on GitHub
  2. Ensure the PR title follows the commit convention
  3. Request reviews from team members
  4. Address any review comments with new commits
  5. Once approved, the PR will be automatically squashed and merged
    • All commits will be combined into one
    • The PR title will be used as the final commit message
    • The commit details will include a co-authored-by credit

GitHub Repository Settings

  • Branch Protection Rules:
    • Require pull request reviews before merging
    • Require branches to be up to date
    • Squash merging enabled by default
    • Commit messages will be automatically formatted based on PR title

📝 Commit Convention

This project uses conventional commits specification with custom types. Your commit message should have one of the following types:

  • feat: - New features
  • fix: - Bug fixes
  • docs: - Documentation changes
  • style: - Code style changes (formatting, missing semicolons, etc.)
  • refactor: - Code changes that neither fix bugs nor add features
  • perf: - Performance improvements
  • test: - Adding or modifying tests
  • build: - Changes to build system or dependencies
  • ci: - Changes to CI configuration files and scripts
  • chore: - Other changes that don't modify src or test files
  • revert: - Reverts a previous commit
  • add: - Adding new resources or files
  • foo: - Custom type for specific project needs

Example commit messages:

feat: add user authentication system
fix: resolve login page redirect issue
add: implement new dashboard widgets

📄 License

MIT License.



No description, website, or topics provided.






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