This repository contains my solutions for competitive programming problems. Some of them as part of programming contests and others as personal training using the C++ language.
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest is an annual multitiered competitive programming competition among universities of world.
I participated in two editions: 2014 and 2016. The solutions corresponds to the 2016 edition in the first phase of the contest.
UAdeCoder is a local competitive programing competition of the Autonomous University of Coahuila. I participated in one edition and got the third place.
You can find the problem descriptions by searching in my A2 Online judge site profile using the problem code (the number of four digits that comes before the name, e.g. 1457 - Oracle of Alexandria
URI is an online judge that contains more than 1,000 problems divided in 8 big categories. I use this site as a personal training to improve my analytical thinking and my skills as a programmer.
In my URI profile you can find the problem decriptions or you can search it directly in the URI site using the problem code.
UVa is another online judge, I solved two problems that you could search in the UVa site but for the moment the site is temporarily unavailable.
This folder contains sort algorithms using the pseudocodes written in the book: Introduction to algorithms.
Contains the solutions of interview practice questions using C++. The files only contains the solution as a function since HackerRank gives you the code for reading the input.
This is a combination of theory and practice in different programming languages.
- OOP C++: Theory of Object Oriented Programming using C++. Practically all the repository is practice of C++.
- Java: Started the 30-day challenge of HackerRank as a review of my Java skills. This contains the exercises.