- download UBS Statistics + Angular starter kit + Redux + Material Design
git clone https://github.com/berc/ubs-statististics-angular-redux-material.git
- cd to the starter kit directory
cd ubs-statististics-angular-redux-material
- production sources are already in 'dist' folder. Start server in production mode
npm run server:prod
- go to the http://localhost:8080/ in your browser (or check url in console)
all dependencies are already installed in node_modules folde. For reinstall run command
npm install
for Angular 2 + Redux integration is needed additional step
npm start
go to the http://localhost:3000/ in your browser (or check url in console)
for build production ready package
npm run build:prod
Based on @angularclass/angular2-webpack-starter + Redux + Material Design + Chart.js + ngxDatatable.
--- Rastislav Bertusek ---