- extracted interfaces and classes from exercise
- defined interfaces and basic concept of communication
- defined concept for testing of solution by implementing stub of function Test
- implemented Gateway and Message from interfaces
- designed ResourceScheduler and implemented basic communication between ResourceScheduler and Test
- configured Java Message Service JMS at Glassfish server
- implemented and tested JMS callback interface between ResourceScheduler and Gateway for indicating of completed() messages Question: Use of Java Events could be in some cases better, but JMS is more universal through all apps in JEE server
- implemented Java Message Service between ResourceScheduler and Test
- testing of communication and implementation of semaphore for handling Gateway resource
- designed sorter interface and implemented sorting by group id arrival order Question: ambiguous definition of algorithm: When there were already groups processed, but now there are not any messages in Queue, should be order of new messages by previous group arrival or not?
- implemented and tested sorting algorithm with Qualifier for CDI selection of actual algorithm implementation
- implemented alternative algorithm for sorting by group id
- optimisation of EJB beans, injections and testing Question: What is standard in commenting of source codes? Question: What is standard in unit and function test coverage?
- implemented canceled and termination group properties
- refactoring of sources and additional commenting of work
- GitHub upload
- clean up
Implemented as EJB application running at Glassfish server. Tested with Groovy JUnit testing