OpenGL 3D Breakout clone created for the 2nd year Games Computing BSc Graphics Module.
Designed and developed an interactive 3D OpenGL graphics game, applying appropriate mathematical/algorithmic techniques for efficient 3D graphics. Demonstrates understanding of computer graphics programming techniques and approaches.
Developed the graphics and simple gameplay for a 3D game: Breakout
The assignment aimed to assess practical capability in writing programs that:
- generate 3D graphics
- update the 3D scene based on human input (i.e. interactive graphics)
- 3D view
- viewpoint/camera position can be changed along the x/y/z axis
- objects within the game are 3D
- phong lighting model - Ambient/Diffuse/Specular
- normal mapping
Languages / Toolkit Used
- C/C++
- OpenGL
- SDL2
- SDL2_image
- Assimp