docker build -f Dockerfile -t nextjs-fe-admin-template .
docker run -p 80:80 nextjs-fe-admin-template
- styled-components JS library
- @material-ui/core for Material-UI integration
- next-i18next JS library
- cross-env development (JS library for multiple environment setup.)
- react-redux JS library
- redux JS library
- next-redux-wrapper JS library
- redux-thunk
- redux-devtools-extension
- formik
- yup
- js-cookie JS library
- axios JS library
- eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort JS library
to execute linting process run command
- npm run lint or yarn lint
- jest (JS library for unit tests)
- Enzyme (JS library for React's component tests)
to run all test run command
- npm run test or yarn test