A work in progress OpenSCAD library (and eventually KiCad designs) to make tinkering with vacuum tubes quicker/easier.
- Tube holders (single/multiple)
- Plugin coils for building old radio coil tubes
For 3D prints with holes/slots I generally use a 0.1mm tolerance to account for errors and/or print bed deformation.
Vacuum tube pins can be found by searching for "swage mount pins". This honestly took me forever to find the right google search.
I sourced from:
- https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/mill-max-manufacturing-corp/3104-2-00-15-00-00-08-0/436491
- https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/mill-max-manufacturing-corp/4395-0-00-15-00-00-08-0/10063634
- https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/mill-max-manufacturing-corp/6331-0-00-15-00-00-08-0/10063644
- https://www.mill-max.com/products/new/swage-mount-pcb-pins-for-interconnect-applications
- https://www.mill-max.com/search/tags/swage_mount?src=19
I think that pins can be made by hand by working hollow 2-3mm brass tubing. This would probably be cheaper and more convenient, but I have not pursued this seriously yet.
For installing pins, print base with pin diameters around 0.05 mm smaller. Then, heat up pin with soldering iron and melt the pin into the base.
Hoping to get to these items as other projects require them.
- Socket savers with spade connectors, pins, and tubing.
- Breakout boards for common tube types (KiCad)
- Breadboard adapters for common tube types (KiCad)
- attempt all basic socket types listed in - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tube_socket#Summary_of_base_details
- OpenSCAD 2021.01+ -
apt-get -y install openscad