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How to add new modules

Alfred E. Heggestad edited this page Jul 30, 2018 · 2 revisions

Baresip is highly modular, and new functionality can be added using modules.

To create a new module, choose a descriptive name and put it in the modules folder.

Module makefile

The module must have a makefile snippet called

MOD		:= foo
$(MOD)_SRCS	+= foo.c

include mk/

Module source file

Here is an example source file (foo.c):

 * @file foo.c Foo module
 * Copyright (C) 2010

#include <re.h>
#include <baresip.h>

static int module_init(void)
	info("foo: module init\n");

	return 0;

static int module_close(void)
	info("foo: module closed\n");

	return 0;

const struct mod_export DECL_EXPORTS(foo) = {

The struct mod_export declaration is global and is the entry-point used by the module loader (for example dlopen for Unix).

The first string "foo" is the name of the module.

The second string "application" indicates the type of module. This string can be set to e.g. "application" for application modules. Other string values can be "vidsrc", "vidcodec", "mnat", "menc" etc.

The function module_init is called after the module has been loaded. The function module_close is called before the module is unloaded.

From the module_init function you can register your handlers and initialise things.

Adding module to the build

If you want the build system to pick up your new module, you must add it to mk/

MODULES   += foo

If the module has external dependencies such as 3rd party libraries, you can add conditionals to detect presence of header files. Or use a makefile variable:

ifneq ($(USE_FOO),)
MODULES   += foo