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Benchmark hack

Run Bacalhau Nodes

export PREDICTABLE_API_PORT=1 # to force nodes start with port 20000
make devstack # runs 3 nodes by default

or to test without actually running docker jobs

make devstack-noop

or to test with n number of nodes

go run . devstack --compute-nodes <n>

Generate Requests

copy paste export commands, e.g.

export API_PORT=20000 # requester node's port
export BACALHAU_BIN=$(which bacalhau) # cli used to send requests

Test one job

cd benchmark

Test multiple jobs


You also have the following configurations for multiple jobs

export TOTAL_JOBS=60 # Total number of jobs
export BATCH_SIZE=10 # No. of jobs to send sequentially as a single hyperfine run
export CONCURRENCY=2 # No. of concurrent batchs
export REQUESTER_NODES=1 # No. of requester nodes to call

In the above example, we have a total of 60 jobs split across 6 (60/10) separate benchmarks. There can only be 2 concurrent benchmarks at a given time, and both will call 2 separate requester nodes.


I am getting "Too many open files" when trying to run multiple nodes in a single machine! Increase your OS ulimit to some large value using:

ulimit -n <large_value> # e.g. 1048576