The food management application am developing is a web-based application using Flask, a Python web framework. It incorporates several programming languages and technologies to provide functionalities for managing food items and user authentication. Programming Languages and Technologies Used: • Python: The backend of the application is written in Python using the Flask framework. • HTML: The structure and layout of the web pages are created using HTML. • CSS: The application's styling and visual presentation are handled using CSS. • JavaScript: The dynamic behavior of the application and client-side interactions are implemented using JavaScript. • SQLAlchemy: It is a Python SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library used for database management. • Flask-Login: This extension is used for managing user authentication and session management. Functionalities of the Food Management Application:
- Registration and Login: Users can register for a new account and log in to access the application.
- Add Food Items: Users can add food items to their inventory by providing details such as name, expiration date, and scanning barcodes.
- Edit Food Items: Users can edit the details of existing food items, including name and expiration date.
- Delete Food Items: Users can remove food items from their inventory.
- Expiration Date Validation: The application checks if the expiration date of a food item has passed and visually highlights it as expired.
- Barcode Scanning: Users can scan barcodes of food items using the barcode scanner feature.
- Display Inventory: The application displays a list of food items in the user's inventory, including their names, expiration dates, and actions to edit or delete them.
- Drag and drop to arrange the entries