- Dirscaner is a tools to brute-force web directories.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u url, --url url Target url [required]
-d location Wordlist Path
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Location and name of output file
-b code [code ...] Baned response code [Default:Null e.g:404 302]
-e ext [ext ...] File extension
-t THREAD Number of thread [Default: 4]
-s size [size ...] Size filter,will skip pages with these/this size
--time-out TIMEOUT HTTP Timeout [Default 10]
--time-retry times The number of retry attempts when the request fails [Default 6]
--user-agent UA Request's user agnet [Default Random]
--no-color Turn off color outputs
--cookie COOKIES Your cookies to use in requests [e.g:key1:value1,key2=value2...]
--proxy Proxy Use proxy to requests [e.g:http(s)://user:pass@IP:PORT,proxy2...]
--add-slash Add '/' after each request
--ssl-check Enable SSL certificate verification
--allow-re Follow redirects
--scraper Scraper Mod. Scraper all url in <a href>
git clone https://github.com/SneakyTurt1e/Dirscaner.git
pip install requirements.txt
python dirscaner.py -h or python3 dirscaner.py -h
python dirscaner.py -u http://www.mysite.com -d dir.txt
______ _ _____
| _ \(_) / ___|
| | | | _ _ __\ `--. ___ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __
| | | || || '__|`--. \ / __|/ _` || '_ \ / _ \| '__|
| |/ / | || | /\__/ /| (__| (_| || | | || __/| |
|___/ |_||_| \____/ \___|\__,_||_| |_| \___||_|
| DirScaner
| By SneakyTurt1e https://github.com/SneakyTurt1e/
| Wordlist Path: C:\Users\User\Desktop\new\dirscaner\dir.txt
| Target Url: http://www.mysite.com
| Threads: 4
| Timeout: 10s
| User Agent: Random
| Baned Code:
| Total requests: 4
| Start Time: 2019-11-20 10:54:15
| PAGE | | SIZE | | CODE |
[-] http://www.mysite.com/abc 581 404
[-] http://www.mysite.com/123 581 404
[-] http://www.mysite.com/def 581 404
[-] http://www.mysite.com/456 581 404
[+] Scan Finish
[+] Time used: 0s
[+] Finish Time: 2019-11-20 10:54:15
The result of the scan should be similar to this:
You can manually turn off the color optput with --no-color
The result should be similar to this:
Let me know if there is a bug or issue