Incubation warning
Please note, that agent is currently in an incubating state, meaning that Zebrunner team can not guarantee its stable work since it was not properly tested.
ZafiraIntegration library that implements integration Zafira reporting into existing NUnit test structure.
To enable library just add reference to your project:
References -> Add Reference ... bin/Realese/ZafiraIntegration.dll
There are two possible ways to use library:
- Add class attributes for class level reporting:
[ZafiraClass] - for creation test suite in zafira with the name of the class
[ZafiraTest] - for creation tests in zafira
- Add assembly and class attributes for assembly level reporting:
[ZafiraAssembly] - for creation test suite in zafira with the name of Jenkins job it was triggered from
[ZafiraAssemblyTest] - for creation tests in zafira
- Use attributes for base testing class or just for classes that need to be reported:
[TestFixture, ZafiraClass, ZafiraTest]
public class BaseTest
public void startDriver()
- Add assembly attribute for base testing class at assembly level and add test attribute for base testing class or just for classes that need to be reported
[assembly: ZafiraAssembly]
namespace Automation.tests
[TestFixture, ZafiraAssemblyTest]
public class BaseTest
To be done ...