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misc/android: rework GOROOT installation
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- Fall back to 'go env GOROOT' to locate GOROOT if runtime.GOROOT() is
  empty (as may be the case if the tool is built with -trimpath).

- Copy all of $GOROOT/android_$GOARCH/bin, not just cmd/go, to

- For consistency with CL 404134, place $GOROOT/bin at the beginning
  of $PATH, not the end.

- Don't use the install target for the "runtime" package to locate pkg/tool.
  As of Go 1.20 "runtime" doesn't have an install directory anyway.
  Since the real reason we need pkg/tool is for commands in "cmd",
  use an arbitrary command (namely "cmd/compile") to locate it.

- Use 'go list' to determine the package import path for the current
  directory, instead of assuming that it is within GOROOT or GOPATH.
  (That assumption does not hold in module mode.)

Updates golang#58775.

Change-Id: If76ff22bce76d05175c40678230f046a4aff0940
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Reviewed-by: Ian Lance Taylor <>
Run-TryBot: Bryan Mills <>
Reviewed-by: Changkun Ou <>
Auto-Submit: Bryan Mills <>
  • Loading branch information
Bryan C. Mills authored and gopherbot committed Apr 28, 2023
1 parent da3a184 commit 7bc8aac
Showing 1 changed file with 159 additions and 69 deletions.
228 changes: 159 additions & 69 deletions misc/android/go_android_exec.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,18 +10,20 @@
package main

import (

@@ -115,18 +117,22 @@ func runMain() (int, error) {
// "$GOROOT/src/mime/multipart" or "$GOPATH/src/".
// We extract everything after the $GOROOT or $GOPATH to run on the
// same relative directory on the target device.
subdir, inGoRoot, err := subdir()
importPath, isStd, err := pkgPath()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
deviceCwd := filepath.Join(deviceGopath, subdir)
if inGoRoot {
deviceCwd = filepath.Join(deviceGoroot, subdir)
var deviceCwd string
if isStd {
// Note that we use path.Join here instead of filepath.Join:
// The device paths should be slash-separated even if the go_android_exec
// wrapper itself is compiled for Windows.
deviceCwd = path.Join(deviceGoroot, "src", importPath)
} else {
deviceCwd = path.Join(deviceGopath, "src", importPath)
if err := adb("exec-out", "mkdir", "-p", deviceCwd); err != nil {
return 0, err
if err := adbCopyTree(deviceCwd, subdir); err != nil {
if err := adbCopyTree(deviceCwd, importPath); err != nil {
return 0, err

@@ -170,7 +176,7 @@ func runMain() (int, error) {
`; export CGO_ENABLED=0` +
`; export GOPROXY=` + os.Getenv("GOPROXY") +
`; export GOCACHE="` + deviceRoot + `/gocache"` +
`; export PATH=$PATH:"` + deviceGoroot + `/bin"` +
`; export PATH="` + deviceGoroot + `/bin":$PATH` +
`; cd "` + deviceCwd + `"` +
"; '" + deviceBin + "' " + strings.Join(os.Args[2:], " ") +
"; echo -n " + exitstr + "$?"
@@ -192,40 +198,37 @@ func runMain() (int, error) {
return code, nil

// subdir determines the package based on the current working directory,
// pkgPath determines the package import path of the current working directory,
// and indicates whether it is
// and returns the path to the package source relative to $GOROOT (or $GOPATH).
func subdir() (pkgpath string, underGoRoot bool, err error) {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
func pkgPath() (importPath string, isStd bool, err error) {
goTool, err := goTool()
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
cwd, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(cwd)
cmd := exec.Command(goTool, "list", "-e", "-f", "{{.ImportPath}}:{{.Standard}}", ".")
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
goroot, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(runtime.GOROOT())
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
if subdir, err := filepath.Rel(goroot, cwd); err == nil {
if !strings.Contains(subdir, "..") {
return subdir, true, nil
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok && len(ee.Stderr) > 0 {
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("%v: %s", cmd, ee.Stderr)
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", cmd, err)

for _, p := range filepath.SplitList(build.Default.GOPATH) {
pabs, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(p)
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
if subdir, err := filepath.Rel(pabs, cwd); err == nil {
if !strings.Contains(subdir, "..") {
return subdir, false, nil
s := string(bytes.TrimSpace(out))
importPath, isStdStr, ok := strings.Cut(s, ":")
if !ok {
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("%v: missing ':' in output: %q", cmd, out)
if importPath == "" || importPath == "." {
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("current directory does not have a Go import path")
isStd, err = strconv.ParseBool(isStdStr)
if err != nil {
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("%v: non-boolean .Standard in output: %q", cmd, out)
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("the current path %q is not in either GOROOT(%q) or GOPATH(%q)",
cwd, runtime.GOROOT(), build.Default.GOPATH)

return importPath, isStd, nil

// adbCopyTree copies testdata, go.mod, go.sum files from subdir
@@ -236,24 +239,24 @@ func subdir() (pkgpath string, underGoRoot bool, err error) {
func adbCopyTree(deviceCwd, subdir string) error {
dir := ""
for {
for _, path := range []string{"testdata", "go.mod", "go.sum"} {
path := filepath.Join(dir, path)
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
for _, name := range []string{"testdata", "go.mod", "go.sum"} {
hostPath := filepath.Join(dir, name)
if _, err := os.Stat(hostPath); err != nil {
devicePath := filepath.Join(deviceCwd, dir)
devicePath := path.Join(deviceCwd, dir)
if err := adb("exec-out", "mkdir", "-p", devicePath); err != nil {
return err
if err := adb("push", path, devicePath); err != nil {
if err := adb("push", hostPath, devicePath); err != nil {
return err
if subdir == "." {
subdir = filepath.Dir(subdir)
dir = filepath.Join(dir, "..")
dir = path.Join(dir, "..")
return nil
@@ -264,6 +267,18 @@ func adbCopyTree(deviceCwd, subdir string) error {
// A lock file ensures this only happens once, even with concurrent exec
// wrappers.
func adbCopyGoroot() error {
goTool, err := goTool()
if err != nil {
return err
cmd := exec.Command(goTool, "version")
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", cmd, err)
goVersion := string(out)

// Also known by cmd/dist. The bootstrap command deletes the file.
statPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "go_android_exec-adb-sync-status")
stat, err := os.OpenFile(statPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0666)
@@ -279,62 +294,137 @@ func adbCopyGoroot() error {
if err != nil {
return err
if string(s) == "done" {
if string(s) == goVersion {
return nil
// Delete GOROOT, GOPATH and any leftover test data.
if err := adb("exec-out", "rm", "-rf", deviceRoot); err != nil {

goroot, err := findGoroot()
if err != nil {
return err
deviceBin := filepath.Join(deviceGoroot, "bin")
if err := adb("exec-out", "mkdir", "-p", deviceBin); err != nil {

// Delete the device's GOROOT, GOPATH and any leftover test data,
// and recreate GOROOT.
if err := adb("exec-out", "rm", "-rf", deviceRoot); err != nil {
return err
goroot := runtime.GOROOT()
// Build go for android.
goCmd := filepath.Join(goroot, "bin", "go")
tmpGo, err := os.CreateTemp("", "go_android_exec-cmd-go-*")

// Build Go for Android.
cmd = exec.Command(goTool, "install", "cmd")
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if len(bytes.TrimSpace(out)) > 0 {
log.Printf("\n%s", out)
return fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", cmd, err)
if err := adb("exec-out", "mkdir", "-p", deviceGoroot); err != nil {
return err
defer os.Remove(tmpGo.Name())

if out, err := exec.Command(goCmd, "build", "-o", tmpGo.Name(), "cmd/go").CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to build go tool for device: %s\n%v", out, err)
// Copy the Android tools from the relevant bin subdirectory to GOROOT/bin.
cmd = exec.Command(goTool, "list", "-f", "{{.Target}}", "cmd/go")
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
out, err = cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", cmd, err)
deviceGo := filepath.Join(deviceBin, "go")
if err := adb("push", tmpGo.Name(), deviceGo); err != nil {
return err
platformBin := filepath.Dir(string(bytes.TrimSpace(out)))
if platformBin == "." {
return errors.New("failed to locate cmd/go for target platform")
for _, dir := range []string{"src", "test", "lib", "api"} {
if err := adb("push", filepath.Join(goroot, dir), filepath.Join(deviceGoroot)); err != nil {
return err
if err := adb("push", platformBin, path.Join(deviceGoroot, "bin")); err != nil {
return err

// Copy only the relevant from pkg.
if err := adb("exec-out", "mkdir", "-p", filepath.Join(deviceGoroot, "pkg", "tool")); err != nil {
// Copy only the relevant subdirectories from pkg: pkg/include and the
// platform-native binaries in pkg/tool.
if err := adb("exec-out", "mkdir", "-p", path.Join(deviceGoroot, "pkg", "tool")); err != nil {
return err
if err := adb("push", filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg", "include"), filepath.Join(deviceGoroot, "pkg")); err != nil {
if err := adb("push", filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg", "include"), path.Join(deviceGoroot, "pkg", "include")); err != nil {
return err
runtimea, err := exec.Command(goCmd, "list", "-f", "{{.Target}}", "runtime").Output()
pkgdir := filepath.Dir(string(runtimea))
if pkgdir == "" {
return errors.New("could not find android pkg dir")

cmd = exec.Command(goTool, "list", "-f", "{{.Target}}", "cmd/compile")
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
out, err = cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", cmd, err)
platformToolDir := filepath.Dir(string(bytes.TrimSpace(out)))
if platformToolDir == "." {
return errors.New("failed to locate cmd/compile for target platform")
if err := adb("push", pkgdir, filepath.Join(deviceGoroot, "pkg")); err != nil {
relToolDir, err := filepath.Rel(filepath.Join(goroot), platformToolDir)
if err != nil {
return err
tooldir := filepath.Join(goroot, "pkg", "tool", filepath.Base(pkgdir))
if err := adb("push", tooldir, filepath.Join(deviceGoroot, "pkg", "tool")); err != nil {
if err := adb("push", platformToolDir, path.Join(deviceGoroot, relToolDir)); err != nil {
return err

if _, err := stat.Write([]byte("done")); err != nil {
// Copy all other files from GOROOT.
dirents, err := os.ReadDir(goroot)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, de := range dirents {
switch de.Name() {
case "bin", "pkg":
// We already created GOROOT/bin and GOROOT/pkg above; skip those.
if err := adb("push", filepath.Join(goroot, de.Name()), path.Join(deviceGoroot, de.Name())); err != nil {
return err

if _, err := stat.WriteString(goVersion); err != nil {
return err
return nil

func findGoroot() (string, error) {
gorootOnce.Do(func() {
// If runtime.GOROOT reports a non-empty path, assume that it is valid.
// (It may be empty if this binary was built with -trimpath.)
gorootPath = runtime.GOROOT()
if gorootPath != "" {

// runtime.GOROOT is empty — perhaps go_android_exec was built with
// -trimpath and GOROOT is unset. Try 'go env GOROOT' as a fallback,
// assuming that the 'go' command in $PATH is the correct one.

cmd := exec.Command("go", "env", "GOROOT")
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
gorootErr = fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", cmd, err)

gorootPath = string(bytes.TrimSpace(out))
if gorootPath == "" {
gorootErr = errors.New("GOROOT not found")

return gorootPath, gorootErr

func goTool() (string, error) {
goroot, err := findGoroot()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return filepath.Join(goroot, "bin", "go"), nil

var (
gorootOnce sync.Once
gorootPath string
gorootErr error

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