I like to write Pythonic code.
- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing software architectures.
- 💼 Working as a DevOps Lead.
- 🌱 Practicing agile methodologies like Extreme Programing, Scrum and Kanban.
- 🎯 I love good metrics and observability culture.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I do practice impro and love to learn about comedy and dramaturgy
- 💬 Kokoro -> Ask me about GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Containers, Hypervisors, Scheduling/Networking, Event Driven Architectures, Metrics, RESTful APIs, Ansible, Terraform, Packer, Hashicorp tooling, Kubernetes and CI/CD for all the things.
- 🥷 Ri -> I'm continuously mastering Python, FastAPI, Django, Flask, Shell Script, Data Engineering, build files and automation in general.
- 👍 Ha -> I can write some TypeScript, plus pipelines for frontend and mobile.
- 🌱 Shu -> Learning Vue.JS, Golang and Rust but can't do it alone yet :-)
- ☁️ Very tied to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation stack.