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Populate AWS SSO directly with your G Suite users and groups using either a CLI or AWS Lambda


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SSO Sync

Helping you populate AWS SSO directly with your Google Apps users

SSO Sync will run on any platform that Go can build for.


As per the AWS SSO Homepage:

AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) makes it easy to centrally manage access to multiple AWS accounts and business applications and provide users with single sign-on access to all their assigned accounts and applications from one place.

Key part further down:

With AWS SSO, you can create and manage user identities in AWS SSO’s identity store, or easily connect to your existing identity source including Microsoft Active Directory and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).

AWS SSO can use other Identity Providers as well... such as Google Apps for Domains. Although AWS SSO supports a subset of the SCIM protocol for populating users, it currently only has support for Azure AD.

This project provides a CLI tool to pull users and groups from Google and push them into AWS SSO. ssosync deals with removing users as well. The heavily commented code provides you with the detail of what it is going to do.



You can go get or grab a Release binary from the release page. The binary can be used from your local computer, or you can deploy to AWS Lambda to run on a CloudWatch Event for regular synchronization.


You need a few items of configuration. One side from AWS, and the other from Google Cloud / Apps to allow for API access to each. You should have configured Google as your Identity Provider for AWS SSO already.

You will need the files produced by these steps for AWS Lambda deployment as well as locally running the ssosync tool.


Head to the Google Cloud Console for your Domain (Specifically API & Services -> Credentials) and Create a Project.

Creating a project will take a few seconds. Once it is complete, you can then Configure the Consent Screen (there will be a clear warning and button for it). Click Through and select "Internal". Give a name and press Save as you don't need the rest.

Now go back to Credentials, Click Create Credentials and then select OAuth client ID. Select Other and provide a name. You will be displayed credentials, press okay and then use the download button, and a JSON file will download.


With this done, you can log in and generate a token.json file. To create the file, use the ssosync google command. With help output, it looks like this:

Log in to Google - use me to generate the files needed for the main command

  ssosync google [flags]

  -h, --help               help for google
      --path string        set the path to find credentials (default "credentials.json")
      --tokenPath string   set the path to put token.json output into (default "token.json")

When you run the command correctly, it will give a URL to load in your browser. Go to it, and you'll get a string to paste back and enter. Once you paste the line in, the file generates.

The Token file is useless without the Credentials File - but keep it safe.

Back in the Console go to the Dashboard for the API & Services and select "Enable API and Services". In the Search box type Admin and select the Admin SDK option. Click the Enable button.


Go to the AWS Single Sign-On console in the region you have set up AWS SSO and select Settings. Click Enable automatic provisioning.

A pop up will appear with URL and the Access Token. The Access Token will only appear at this stage. You want to copy both of these into a text file which ends in the extension .toml.

Token    = "tokenHere"
Endpoint = ""

Local Usage


The default for ssosync is to run through the sync.

A command line tool to enable you to synchronise your Google
Apps (G-Suite) users to AWS Single Sign-on (AWS SSO)

  ssosync [flags]
  ssosync [command]

Available Commands:
  google      Log in to Google
  help        Help about any command

  -d, --debug                          Enable verbose / debug logging
  -c, --googleCredentialsPath string   set the path to find credentials for Google (default "credentials.json")
  -t, --googleTokenPath string         set the path to find token for Google (default "token.json")
  -h, --help                           help for ssosync
  -s, --scimConfig string              AWS SSO SCIM Configuration (default "aws.toml")

Use "ssosync [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The output of the command when run without 'debug' turned on looks like this:

2020-05-26T12:08:14.083+0100	INFO	cmd/root.go:43	Creating the Google and AWS Clients needed
2020-05-26T12:08:14.084+0100	INFO	internal/sync.go:38	Start user sync
2020-05-26T12:08:14.979+0100	INFO	internal/sync.go:73	Clean up AWS Users
2020-05-26T12:08:14.979+0100	INFO	internal/sync.go:89	Start group sync
2020-05-26T12:08:15.578+0100	INFO	internal/sync.go:135	Start group user sync	{"group": "AWS Administrators"}
2020-05-26T12:08:15.703+0100	INFO	internal/sync.go:172	Clean up AWS groups
2020-05-26T12:08:15.703+0100	INFO	internal/sync.go:183	Done sync groups

AWS Lambda Usage

NOTE: Using Lambda may incur costs in your AWS account. Please make sure you have checked the pricing for AWS Lambda and CloudWatch before continuing.

Running ssosync once means that any changes to your Google directory will not appear in AWS SSO. To sync. regularly, you can run ssosync via AWS Lambda.

You will find using the provided CDK deployment scripts the easiest method. Install the AWS CDK before you start.

Using the right binary for AWS Lambda

You require the AMD64 binary for AWS Lambda. This can be either downloaded from the Releases page, or built locally. A great way to do this to use goreleaser in Snapshot mode which will build the various system binaries.

Whichever route you take, the CDK stack for deployment requires a folder which only contains the binary and nothing else. goreleaser will take care of this for you; just be aware if you are obtaining a binary from any other route.

NOTE: The binaries tagged v0.0.1 on GitHub are not suitable for AWS Lambda usage.

To build with goreleaser you can expect the following kind of output:

$ goreleaser build --snapshot

   • building...
   • loading config file       file=.goreleaser.yml
   • running before hooks
      • running go mod download
   • loading environment variables
   • getting and validating git state
      • releasing v0.0.1, commit fcc9977a10ae24a92417b00472267ec9bc40aada
      • pipe skipped              error=disabled during snapshot mode
   • parsing tag
   • setting defaults
      • snapshotting
      • github/gitlab/gitea releases
      • project name
      • building binaries
      • creating source archive
      • archives
      • linux packages
      • snapcraft packages
      • calculating checksums
      • signing artifacts
      • docker images
      • artifactory
      • blobs
      • homebrew tap formula
      • scoop manifests
   • snapshotting
   • checking ./dist
   • writing effective config file
      • writing                   config=dist/config.yaml
   • generating changelog
      • pipe skipped              error=not available for snapshots
   • building binaries
      • building                  binary=/Users/leepac/go/src/
      • building                  binary=/Users/leepac/go/src/
      • building                  binary=/Users/leepac/go/src/
      • building                  binary=/Users/leepac/go/src/
      • building                  binary=/Users/leepac/go/src/
      • building                  binary=/Users/leepac/go/src/
   • build succeeded after 7.31s

Deploying using the AWS CDK

You need to know the locations of the credentials.json, token.json and aws.toml files that you used for the configuration of ssosync. You also need the binary folder location.

With these files in hand, head into the deployments/cdk folder and then run the cdk deploy command with the AWS_TOML, GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS, GOOGLE_TOKEN and SSOSYNC_PATH variables set:

NOTE: You might get a warning showing you need to execute cdk bootstrap if you have never used the AWS CDK in the account/region before. You can just run that command beforehand to solve this.


AWS_TOML=../../aws.toml GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=../../credentials.json GOOGLE_TOKEN=../../token.json SSOSYNC_PATH=../../dist/ssosync_linux_amd64 cdk deploy

Windows (PowerShell)

$env:AWS_TOML = '../../aws.toml'
$env:GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS = '../../credentials.json'
$env:GOOGLE_TOKEN = '../../token.json'
$env:SSOSYNC_PATH = '../../dist/ssosync_linux_amd64'
cdk deploy
$ AWS_TOML=../../aws.toml GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=../../credentials.json GOOGLE_TOKEN=../../token.json SSOSYNC_PATH=../../dist/ssosync_linux_amd64 cdk deploy
  This deployment will make potentially sensitive changes according to your current security approval level (--require-approval broadening).
  Please confirm you intend to make the following modifications:
  IAM Statement Changes
  │   │ Resource                         │ Effect │ Action                           │ Principal                        │ Condition                          │
  │ + │ ${AwsToml}                       │ Allow  │ secretsmanager:GetSecretValue    │ AWS:${SsoSync/ServiceRole}       │                                    │
  │   │ ${GoogleCred}                    │        │                                  │                                  │                                    │
  │   │ ${GoogleToken}                   │        │                                  │                                  │                                    │
  │ + │ ${SsoSync.Arn}                   │ Allow  │ lambda:InvokeFunction            │     │ "ArnLike": {                       │
  │   │                                  │        │                                  │                                  │   "AWS:SourceArn": "${Rule.Arn}"   │
  │   │                                  │        │                                  │                                  │ }                                  │
  │ + │ ${SsoSync/ServiceRole.Arn}       │ Allow  │ sts:AssumeRole                   │     │                                    │
  IAM Policy Changes
  │   │ Resource               │ Managed Policy ARN                                                             │
  │ + │ ${SsoSync/ServiceRole} │ arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole │
  (NOTE: There may be security-related changes not in this list. See
  Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)? y
  SsoSyncStack: deploying...
  [0%] start: Publishing d5e2919f38e8204910b42413d033318f5f422a8489e3bbe706bb21458622971e:current
  [100%] success: Published d5e2919f38e8204910b42413d033318f5f422a8489e3bbe706bb21458622971e:current
  SsoSyncStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
   0/10 | 13:22:57 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret | AwsToml
   0/10 | 13:22:57 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::CDK::Metadata          | CDKMetadata
   0/10 | 13:22:57 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret | GoogleCred
   0/10 | 13:22:57 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret | GoogleToken
   0/10 | 13:22:57 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role              | SsoSync/ServiceRole (SsoSyncServiceRoleE85B4FFE)
   0/10 | 13:22:57 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role              | SsoSync/ServiceRole (SsoSyncServiceRoleE85B4FFE) Resource creation Initiated
   0/10 | 13:22:59 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret | GoogleCred Resource creation Initiated
   0/10 | 13:22:59 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret | AwsToml Resource creation Initiated
   1/10 | 13:22:59 | CREATE_COMPLETE      | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret | GoogleCred
   1/10 | 13:22:59 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret | GoogleToken Resource creation Initiated
   2/10 | 13:22:59 | CREATE_COMPLETE      | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret | AwsToml
   2/10 | 13:22:59 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::CDK::Metadata          | CDKMetadata Resource creation Initiated
   3/10 | 13:22:59 | CREATE_COMPLETE      | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret | GoogleToken
   4/10 | 13:22:59 | CREATE_COMPLETE      | AWS::CDK::Metadata          | CDKMetadata
   5/10 | 13:23:11 | CREATE_COMPLETE      | AWS::IAM::Role              | SsoSync/ServiceRole (SsoSyncServiceRoleE85B4FFE)
   5/10 | 13:23:13 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Policy            | SsoSync/ServiceRole/DefaultPolicy (SsoSyncServiceRoleDefaultPolicy1A9D4C1C)
   5/10 | 13:23:14 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Policy            | SsoSync/ServiceRole/DefaultPolicy (SsoSyncServiceRoleDefaultPolicy1A9D4C1C) Resource creation Initiated
   6/10 | 13:23:27 | CREATE_COMPLETE      | AWS::IAM::Policy            | SsoSync/ServiceRole/DefaultPolicy (SsoSyncServiceRoleDefaultPolicy1A9D4C1C)
   6/10 | 13:23:30 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::Lambda::Function       | SsoSync (SsoSync48C335B6)
   6/10 | 13:23:31 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::Lambda::Function       | SsoSync (SsoSync48C335B6) Resource creation Initiated
   7/10 | 13:23:31 | CREATE_COMPLETE      | AWS::Lambda::Function       | SsoSync (SsoSync48C335B6)
   7/10 | 13:23:34 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::Events::Rule           | Rule (Rule4C995B7F)
   7/10 | 13:23:34 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::Events::Rule           | Rule (Rule4C995B7F) Resource creation Initiated
  7/10 Currently in progress: Rule4C995B7F
   8/10 | 13:24:35 | CREATE_COMPLETE      | AWS::Events::Rule           | Rule (Rule4C995B7F)
   8/10 | 13:24:37 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::Lambda::Permission     | SsoSync/AllowEventRuleSsoSyncStackRule051D4243 (SsoSyncAllowEventRuleSsoSyncStackRule051D4243FDBD7EFC)
   8/10 | 13:24:38 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::Lambda::Permission     | SsoSync/AllowEventRuleSsoSyncStackRule051D4243 (SsoSyncAllowEventRuleSsoSyncStackRule051D4243FDBD7EFC) Resource creation Initiated
   ✅  SsoSyncStack
  Stack ARN: