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QnABot on AWS Sample Plugins

This repository provides sample plugin Lambda functions for use with the QnABot on AWS solution.

The directions below explain how to build and deploy the plugins. For more information on the QnABot solution itself, see the QnABot on AWS Solution Implementation Guide.


Plugins to extend QnABot LLM integration

  1. AI21 LLM: Uses AI21's Jurassic model API - requires an AI21 account with an API Key
  2. Anthropic LLM: Uses Anthropic's Claude model API - requires an Anthropic account with an API Key
  3. Amazon Bedrock Embeddings and LLM: Uses Amazon Bedrock service API (preview) - requires access to Amazon Bedrock service (currently in private preview)

(optional) Build and Publish QnABot Plugins CloudFormation artifacts

Note: Perform this step only if you want to create deployment artifacts in your own account. Otherwise, we have hosted a CloudFormation template for 1-click deployment in the deploy section.

Pre-requisite: You must already have the AWS CLI installed and configured. You can use an AWS Cloud9 environment.

Use the bash script to build the project and deploy CloudFormation templates to your own deployment bucket.

Run the script with up to 3 parameters:

./ <cfn_bucket> <cfn_prefix> [public]

- <cfn_bucket>: name of S3 bucket to deploy CloudFormation templates and code artifacts. If bucket does not exist, it will be created.
- <cfn_prefix>: artifacts will be copied to the path specified by this prefix (path/to/artifacts/)
- public: (optional) Adding the argument "public" will set public-read acl on all published artifacts, for sharing with any account.

To deploy to a non-default region, set environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION to a region supported by QnABot. See: Supported AWS Regions E.g. to deploy in Ireland run export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-1 before running the publish script.

It downloads package dependencies, builds code zipfiles, and copies templates and zip files to the cfn_bucket. When completed, it displays the CloudFormation templates S3 URLs and 1-click URLs for launching the stack creation in CloudFormation console, e.g.:

 - Template URL:
 - Deploy URL:

 - Template URL:
 - Deploy URL:

 - Template URL:
 - Deploy URL:

Deploy a new Plugin stack

Use AWS CloudFormation to deploy one or more of the sample plugin Lambdas in your own AWS account (if you do not have an AWS account, please see How do I create and activate a new Amazon Web Services account?):

  1. Log into the AWS console if you are not already. Note: Ensure that your IAM Role/User have permissions to create and manage the necessary resources and components for this application.
  2. Choose one of the Launch Stack buttons below for your desired LLM and AWS region to open the AWS CloudFormation console and create a new stack. The CloudFormation tempalates are supported in the following regions:
Plugin Region name Region code Launch
QNABOT-AI21-LLM US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 Launch Stack
QNABOT-ANTHROPIC-LLM US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 Launch Stack
QNABOT-BEDROCK-EMBEDDINGS-AND-LLM US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 Launch Stack
  1. On the CloudFormation Create Stack page, click Next
  2. Enter the following parameters:
    1. Stack Name: Name your stack, e.g. QNABOTPLUGIN-LLM-AI21.
    2. APIKey: Your Third-Party vendor account API Key, if applicable. The API Key is securely stored in AWS Secrets Manager.
    3. LLMModelId and EmbeddingsModelId (for Bedrock), LLMModel (for Anthropic), LLMModelType (for AI21): Choose one of the available models to be used depending on the model provider.

After your Plugin stack is deployed

Configure a new or existing QnABot stack deployment to use your new LLM Plugin function

When your CloudFormation stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE, choose the Outputs tab

  • Copy the value for LLMLambdaArn
  • Deploy a new QnABot Stack (instructions) or Update an existing QnABot stack (instructions), selecting LLMApi parameter as LAMBDA, and for LLMLambdaArn parameter enter the Lambda Arn copied above.

For more information, see QnABot LLM README - Lambda Function

Update QnABot Settings

When the QnABot Cloudformation stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE or UPDATE_COMPLETE:

  • Keep your QnABot plugins CloudFormation stack Outputs tab open
  • In a new browser window, log into QnABot Content Designer (You can find the URL in the Outputs tab of your QnABot CloudFormation stack ContentDesignerURL). You will need to set your password for the first login.
  • From the Content Designer tools (☰) menu, choose Settings
  • From your QnABot plugins CloudFormation stack Outputs tab, copy setting values from each of the outputs named QnABotSetting...
    • use this copied value for the corresponding QnABot setting (identified in the output Description column)

    • do this for all settings. Note: the Bedrock stack has additional settings for Embeddings score thresholds.

    • Choose Save when complete.

      Copy Stack Outputs:


      To corresponding Designer Settings:

  • In a new browser window, access the QnABot Client URL (You can find the URL in the Outputs tab of your QnABot CloudFormation stack ClientURL), and start interacting with the QnA bot!

(Optional) Configure QnABot to use your new Embeddings function (currently only available for Bedrock)

When your CloudFormation stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE, choose the Outputs tab

  • Copy the value for EmbeddingsLambdaArn
  • Deploy a new QnABot Stack (instructions) or Update an existing QnABot stack (instructions), selecting EmbeddingsApi as LAMBDA, and for EmbeddingsLambdaArn enter the Lambda Arn copied above.

For more information, see QnABot Embeddings README - Lambda Function

(Optional) Modify Region and Endpoint URL

The default region and endpoint URL are set based on the CloudFormation deployed region and the default third-party LLM provider/Bedrock endpoint URL. To override the endpoint URL:

  • Once your CloudFormation stack status shows CREATE_COMPLETE, go to the Outputs tab and copy the Lambda Function Name [refer to green highlighted field above].
  • In Lambda Functions, search for the Function Name.
  • Go to the Configuration tab, edit Environment Variables, add ENDPOINT_URL to override the endpoint URL.
  • For Bedrock, you can add AWS_REGION to override the AWS region.

(Optional) Modify Third Party API Keys in Secrets Manager

When your CloudFormation stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE, choose the Outputs tab. Use the link for APIKeySecret to open AWS Secrets Manager to inspect or edit your API Key in Secret value.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.