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Monthly PRs metrics report - Sep 2023 #27368



Issue Metrics

Metric Value
Average time to first response 13:27:59.869048
Average time to close 1 day, 20:36:03.019737
Average time to answer None
Number of items that remain open 30
Number of items closed 163
Total number of items created 193
Title URL Author Time to first response Time to close Time to answer
chore(merge-back): 2.99.1 #27363 aws-cdk-automation None None None
feat(aws-cdk-lib): reduce load time, again #27362 rix0rrr 0:02:03 None None
fix(cli): ECS hotswap not working properly on multiple container definitions #27358 tmokmss 0:02:17 None None
docs(s3-deployment): dataJson should be jsonData #27357 mtfurlan 0:02:36 None None
chore(aws-cdk-lib): revert "reduce load time of JavaScript library" #27353 rix0rrr 0:01:18 19:00:06 None
feat(rds): add new RDS versions #27351 watany-dev 0:39:26 1:00:41 None
chore(synthetics): delete leftover folder #27349 otaviomacedo 0:19:30 0:27:33 None
chore(release): v2.99.1 #27348 rix0rrr 0:30:07 0:57:17 None
fix(events): allow the addition of more than one EventBusPolicy #27340 postsa 1 day, 0:51:35 None None
feat(synthetics): CloudWatch Synthetics NodeJS Pupeteer 6.0 Runtime with NodeJS 18 #27339 Abdu03 0:02:04 17:43:02 None
chore: npm-check-updates && yarn upgrade #27330 aws-cdk-automation None 1 day, 9:20:34 None
chore(merge-back): 2.99.0 #27329 aws-cdk-automation None 1:05:04 None
chore: upgrade version of cdk-from-cfn #27328 TheRealAmazonKendra 0:02:47 0:32:17 None
build(cdk-build): Include lint commands in build timing info. #27326 mikewrighton 0:13:20 0:51:06 None
fix(stepfunctions): Escaping newline characters in Step Functions intrinsics caused schema validation failures #27323 clareliguori 0:01:57 1 day, 15:44:53 None
chore(release): 2.99.0 #27322 aws-cdk-automation None 0:32:11 None
feat(eks): managed node groups can specify updateConfig #27320 kishiel 0:37:44 None None
build(awslint): Add RuleFilterSet class to cache include/exclude rules. #27319 mikewrighton 12:47:36 13:18:18 None
fix(cli): report errors from resource failures in nested stacks #27318 Amplifiyer 1 day, 0:23:55 1 day, 20:22:52 None
chore: npm-check-updates && yarn upgrade #27316 aws-cdk-automation None None None
fix: load time speed has regressed #27314 rix0rrr 2:31:10 1 day, 5:30:35 None
fix(custom-resources): IAM policy incorrect for SDKv3 names #27313 rix0rrr 0:02:03 None None
feat(synthetics): graduate to stable 🚀 #27305 kaizencc 9:24:13 9:57:45 None
chore(merge-back): 2.98.0 #27299 aws-cdk-automation None 1:15:47 None
feat(s3): specify minimum TLS version #27297 lpizzinidev 21:17:24 22:23:13 None
test(autoscaling): add tests for Schedule.cron specifying with either day or weekday #27296 go-to-k 0:32:55 None None
chore(release): 2.98.0 #27294 aws-cdk-automation 0:29:04 1:08:31 None
fix(cli): No exception when a non-existent stack is specified in cdk destroy #27293 go-to-k 1:00:02 None None
feat(cdk): support Fn::ImportValue intrinsic function for hotswap deployments #27292 tomwwright 0:02:01 None None
chore(merge-back): 2.97.1 #27291 aws-cdk-automation None 1:02:02 None
build(awslint): Cache L1 constructs in the CFN resource linter. #27290 mikewrighton 16:56:57 17:30:03 None
chore(release): 2.97.1 #27289 kaizencc 0:04:32 0:24:46 None
feat(stepfunctions-tasks): Add ExecutionParameters to AthenaStartQueryExecution #27287 nakedible-p 0:02:00 None None
chore(region-info): add appmesh ecr accounts for il-central-1 #27285 shenjianan97 3 days, 15:06:23 3 days, 15:35:18 None
revert: "feat(core): Schedule class" #27284 kaizencc 0:01:17 3:21:02 None
docs: fix typo #27282 pedropedruzzi 0:02:01 2:07:34 None
chore: mark irrelevant snapshot files as linguist-generated #27277 mrgrain 1:35:03 2:09:26 None
feat: update AWS Service Spec #27276 aws-cdk-automation None 3:22:46 None
feat(s3): Reduce notifications handler permissions (#5925) #27274 alFReD-NSH 0:02:00 None None
chore(awslint): fix nested submodule L1 type not recognized as L1 #27273 mrgrain 0:20:46 1:14:01 None
chore(deps): Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 39.0.3 to 39.2.0 #27272 dependabot[bot] 1:13:46 1:14:09 None
chore(custom-resources): update aws sdk v2 to v3 mapping #27270 WinterYukky 4:54:36 None None
docs(core): update #27269 WinterYukky 6:31:11 7:15:02 None
fix(custom-resources): not work fromSdkCalls using sdk v3 format #27268 WinterYukky 0:02:05 None None
fix(stepfunctions-tasks): state machine role is missing sagemaker:AddTags permission for SageMakerCreateTransformJob task #27264 tam0ri 0:02:06 None None
feat(ec2): Add Transit Gateway settings to FlowLogResourceType #27262 dyoshikawa None None None
chore: update cdk.json to use correct entrypoint in init-javascript test #27257 colifran 0:11:33 0:37:14 None
chore(merge-back): 2.97.0 #27254 aws-cdk-automation None 1:02:26 None
chore: address a number of CodeQL errors #27253 rix0rrr 0:03:00 2 days, 18:14:02 None
chore(release): 2.97.0 #27252 aws-cdk-automation 0:33:50 0:48:46 None
fix(appconfig): allow multiple environment monitor roles to be created #27243 chenjane-dev 0:02:00 4 days, 19:38:51 None
chore(cdk): remove mockery #27242 mrgrain 0:02:24 1:03:38 None
chore(iot-actions-alpha): remove unused package-lock.json file #27241 mrgrain 0:24:09 0:30:46 None
feat(s3-deployment): Support Fn::Select in renderData() #27237 Justinon 0:02:04 None None
feat(scheduler): disable Schedule on creation #27236 MoartnW 0:02:27 1 day, 2:14:07 None
docs(autoscaling): correct feature flag for launch templates #27235 iRoachie 0:19:28 0:27:28 None
chore: update area labels to match repository restructure #27232 scanlonp 0:25:18 None None
chore: add label replacement action #27231 scanlonp 0:26:27 None None
docs(autoscaling): use latestAmazonLinux2() instead of latestAmazonLinux() due to deprecation #27230 tam0ri 6:09:04 14:01:09 None
feat(appsync): Custom Resource to Perform Manual Merge of a Source API And Signal Cloudformation Based On Merge Operation Result #27229 ndejaco2 0:02:24 None None
fix(sns-subscriptions): cannot add SqsSubscription when using an Sqs Construct from a different Constructs library #27227 gastonsilva 0:02:14 None None
chore(migrate): add go and update tests #27226 TheRealAmazonKendra 0:00:30 1:48:03 None
feat: update AWS Service Spec #27224 aws-cdk-automation None 0:24:29 None
fix(batch): make instanceType optional on multinode jobs #27223 comcalvi 5:13:47 6 days, 5:16:44 None
fix(autoscaling): ssmSessionPermissions does not add managed policy to role specified in launch template #27220 tam0ri 15:54:49 8 days, 22:17:16 None
fix(apigateway): CORS response body has unexpected space #27219 rix0rrr 0:02:04 20:56:55 None
feat: update AWS Service Spec #27218 aws-cdk-automation None 0:24:36 None
feat(aws-cdk-lib): reduce load time of JavaScript library #27217 rix0rrr 0:01:59 2 days, 2:57:49 None
feat: update AWS Service Spec #27216 aws-cdk-automation None None None
chore: fix spec update does not add new modules #27215 mrgrain 0:24:00 1:00:02 None
docs(appsync): fix typo in deprecated message #27213 cjcbusatto 0:40:29 1:07:00 None
fix(custom_resources): Provider Lambda function is missing lambda:GetFunctionConfiguration permission #27204 jasoncaoawshc 0:02:55 None None
chore(framework-integ): compile config.ts #27200 kaizencc 0:35:56 1:01:09 None
feat(cdk): add AppSync GraphQLSchema and pipeline resolvers as hot swappable #27197 Amplifiyer 6 days, 0:10:15 7 days, 2:59:45 None
fix(cdk): Resolve cross stack and default parameters for hotswaps #27195 Amplifiyer 6 days, 5:56:59 6 days, 23:09:30 None
feat(cdk): Added SecondsBeforeTimeout, TimeOutAction #27183 #27193 0xedl 4 days, 2:46:17 None None
fix(sample-app): exclude all pycache in cdk.json #27191 n0061q 0:02:02 0:50:36 None
feat(ecr): make validateRepositoryName errors human readable #27186 scanlonp 0:02:16 14:25:26 None
chore: add --compress flag to cdk migrate #27184 TheRealAmazonKendra 0:02:04 20:37:42 None
chore(cli-integ): explain how to stage in CodeArtifact #27182 rix0rrr 0:01:16 0:24:35 None
chore(region-info): Add AppConfig Lambda Layer ARNs #27176 zeyad001 18:41:47 1 day, 1:14:50 None
chore(deps): Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 39.0.1 to 39.0.3 #27175 dependabot[bot] 0:24:04 0:24:29 None
fix(rds): prevent rendering deprecated credentials when creating a database cluster from a snapshot (under feature flag) #27174 colifran 7 days, 5:19:15 7 days, 14:44:37 None
fix(synthetics): synth-time failure for canary assets in nested stages #27167 kaizencc 0:24:21 2 days, 13:39:27 None
chore: add CDK migrate CLI integ test #27166 HBobertz 1:51:41 None None
feat: update AWS Service Spec #27163 aws-cdk-automation None 0:52:46 None
build(awslint): include types from submodules during linting #27160 mikewrighton 1 day, 16:37:45 4 days, 1:48:52 None
chore(merge-back): 2.96.2 #27159 aws-cdk-automation None 0:50:33 None
chore(custom-resource): remove custom memory size in AwsCustomResource #27158 otaviomacedo 1:59:01 2:31:40 None
refactor(lambda): ignore empty securityGroups property #27157 lpizzinidev 7:27:40 7:53:48 None
feat(ec2): support of m7i and m7i-flex ec2-instancetypes #27156 xXPOLYGONXx 0:25:23 0:52:42 None
chore: add --from-stack to cdk migrate command #27155 TheRealAmazonKendra 0:02:03 13:01:43 None
chore(release): 2.96.2 #27151 MrArnoldPalmer 0:23:43 11:44:43 None
chore(merge-back): 2.96.1 #27149 aws-cdk-automation 0:42:00 0:42:57 None
docs: fix documentation pointing to v1 version of docs #27148 jonathanmorley 0:02:11 20:47:06 None
chore(release): 2.96.1 #27145 sumupitchayan 0:06:42 0:35:44 None
revert: "chore(ecs): clarify it's possible to use image digest on fromEcrRepository" #27143 sumupitchayan 0:02:14 0:23:55 None
fix(s3): RETAIN removal policy does not apply to an auto created bucket policy #27140 go-to-k 7 days, 13:08:26 None None
feat(rds): support CA certificate for cluster instances #27138 lpizzinidev 4 days, 4:41:27 4 days, 5:50:27 None
chore: add circular tests #27135 scanlonp 11:44:06 None None
chore: update cdk migrate command to allow for stack name input and additional languages #27134 TheRealAmazonKendra 0:02:18 1 day, 0:45:08 None
chore(merge-back): 2.96.0 #27133 aws-cdk-automation None 0:24:59 None
chore(release): 2.96.0 #27132 aws-cdk-automation None 0:24:46 None
fix(cli): equals sign in a tag value is dropped #27130 snaksa 0:02:00 5 days, 23:44:01 None
chore: npm-check-updates && yarn upgrade #27129 aws-cdk-automation 7 days, 0:19:59 7 days, 9:39:23 None
feat(cloudwatch): validate Dashboards with an end time must also have a start time #27124 go-to-k 9:25:59 7 days, 3:17:50 None
fix(integ-tests): use transformToString on API call response #27122 colifran 5:53:21 13:39:08 None
feat(appsync): Standalone L2 construct for SourceApiAssociation #27121 ndejaco2 0:02:06 7 days, 17:54:32 None
fix(codepipeline-actions): update zip to noncorrupted one #27120 msambol 0:02:05 10:50:10 None
fix(triggers): errors are shown as list of bytes #27119 mrgrain 0:02:07 18:37:32 None
chore: add integ test for cross-region refs #27118 MrArnoldPalmer 6:37:11 7:01:35 None
chore: fix minimatch imports #27116 rix0rrr 19:40:35 20:05:47 None
chore(ecs): clarify it's possible to use image digest on fromEcrRepository #27115 clueleaf 0:02:11 2:51:26 None
fix(custom-resources): does not accept strings where numbers are expected, skips recursive types #27112 otaviomacedo 21:08:20 21:25:17 None
docs(stepfunctions): replace definition with definitionBody in readm of aws-stepfunctions #27110 ymhiroki 0:01:58 5:35:01 None
docs(codepipeline): add note about repoString param resolvability at runtime #27109 Nikola-Milovic 8:39:08 1 day, 8:26:26 None
chore(amplify): missing integ test for AWS Amplify #27107 SankyRed 13:13:01 13:55:11 None
chore(msk): integ test for batch associate scram secrets custom resource #27106 colifran 6:39:59 7:05:00 None
feat(core): Schedule class #27105 kaizencc 0:02:18 8 days, 17:58:56 None
chore: github actions do not accept node18 #27104 kaizencc 0:04:44 0:06:58 None
chore(msk): integ test for zookeeper connect custom resource #27102 kaizencc 0:32:54 1:42:47 None
chore(aws-cdk-lib): airlift stable custom resource handlers only #27101 kaizencc 12:54:26 13:19:17 None
fix(synthetics): include auto-delete-underlying-resources in package #27096 kaizencc 0:02:20 0:24:36 None
feat: update AWS Service Spec #27095 aws-cdk-automation None 0:24:34 None
chore(globalaccelerator): add integ test for Global Accelerator with Endpoints #27093 mrgrain 0:05:12 1:33:52 None
chore(integ-tests): Applying type coercion to byte array when necessary #27092 otaviomacedo 0:02:28 1:12:52 None
chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 #27091 dependabot[bot] 0:48:12 0:48:34 None
chore(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 38.2.1 to 39.0.1 #27090 dependabot[bot] 0:23:48 0:24:18 None
chore(scheduler-targets): lambda invoke target integration test #27088 filletofish 20:22:34 18 days, 19:14:09 None
fix(codedeploy): CustomLambdaDeploymentConfig is broken #27087 rix0rrr 0:02:00 18:15:28 None
feat(route53resolver-alpha): fetch managed domain list id using custom resource #27085 clueleaf 0:02:37 None None
refactor(lambda): use lowercase boolean for type declarations #27082 yodeee9 5:12:57 5:20:37 None
docs(ecs): remove restriction regarding environment files against Fargate #27081 tam0ri 2:02:13 2:28:04 None
chore(merge-back): 2.95.1 #27079 aws-cdk-automation None 0:48:49 None
chore(release): 2.95.1 #27077 MrArnoldPalmer 0:06:12 0:24:26 None
fix(custom-resources): maxwaittime reduced to 60 seconds from 300 seconds #27076 kaizencc 0:02:15 2:00:33 None
fix(dynamodb): update CfnGlobalTable in TableV2 constructor to use this instead of scope #27075 colifran 0:01:59 0:58:14 None
fix(custom-resources): maxwaittime reduced to 60 seconds from 300 seconds #27074 kaizencc 0:02:08 None None
chore: call out requirement for allowing commits to your pr branch in contributing guide #27072 kaizencc 2:39:35 16:48:37 None
chore: Uint8Array map was not traversing maps and unions #27071 rix0rrr 0:01:37 1 day, 19:20:42 None
fix(route53): timeouts due to delete-existing-record-set-handler's wait time #27068 kaizencc 0:02:13 3:59:28 None
fix(lambda): update default runtimes and tests to node 18 #27066 mrgrain 2:25:41 3:12:05 None
fix(custom-resources): AwsCustomResource fails when SDKv3 expects Uint8Array #27065 rix0rrr 0:01:58 4:22:05 None
docs(backup): default value for completionWindow is incorrect #27061 tam0ri 6:00:52 6:27:47 None
fix(route53): timeouts due to delete-existing-record-set-handler's wait time #27060 pistazie 0:02:04 None None
feat(batch): Stabilize Batch #27059 comcalvi 2:14:28 1 day, 0:25:53 None
chore(merge-back): 2.95.0 #27057 aws-cdk-automation None 0:24:43 None
chore: use error name string in handlers #27056 MrArnoldPalmer 14:15:00 14:39:49 None
chore(release): 2.95.0 #27053 aws-cdk-automation 0:24:22 0:24:46 None
feat(stepfunctions): properties for ErrorPath, CausePath, MaxDelay, Jitter #27051 kaizencc 0:01:59 1:23:51 None
chore: move AwsCustomResource to the custom resource handlers package #27049 rix0rrr 20:47:17 21:07:53 None
Nested stack hotswap #27047 Amplifiyer 0:02:02 None None
chore: Update snapshots for some tests after force running their corresponding integ tests #27046 otaviomacedo 1:31:49 None None
chore: update SDKv3 blob types model #27043 rix0rrr 0:02:35 3:45:31 None
chore(ec2): update Windows version enum list #27042 msambol 0:36:21 None None
fix(rds): unable to create cluster with per-instance parameters (under feature flag) #27040 go-to-k 12 days, 6:03:09 15 days, 7:10:26 None
fix(ec2): restrictDefaultSecurityGroup fails when default rules are not present #27039 clueleaf 0:02:00 13 days, 14:19:41 None
feat(ecs): Support specifying revision of task definition #27036 luxaritas 0:25:36 None None
fix(events-targets): AwsApi fails when SDKv3 Command expects Uint8Array #27034 mrgrain 0:14:02 4:41:46 None
chore: npm-check-updates && yarn upgrade #27032 aws-cdk-automation None 0:50:31 None
fix(eks): use Python 3.10 runtime for kubectl-provider #27031 plumdog 0:02:36 13 days, 5:11:33 None
feat(apprunner): add HealthCheckConfiguration property in Service #27029 go-to-k 4:44:08 21 days, 3:31:50 None
docs(apprunner): fix typo in AuthenticationConfiguration #27027 go-to-k 0:13:32 3:37:27 None
chore(ec2): add verified permissions vpc interface endpoint #27026 clueleaf 8:03:33 8:50:20 None
fix(appsync): Source APIs are not auto-merged by default #27025 frixaco 0:02:12 None None
feat(dynamodb): TableV2 supports imports, drift detection, and better control over replicas #27023 colifran 6:22:46 12:24:57 None
chore: remove apiVersion from custom resources #27021 kaizencc 9:01:00 9:20:53 None
fix(lambda-nodejs): incorrect SDK v2 warning generated #27014 plumdog 0:02:32 1:53:17 None
feat(backup): schedule expression timezone for backup plans #27012 jogold 0:13:03 None None
chore: replace Node16 runtimes in unit tests with symbolic runtime #27011 rix0rrr 4:36:29 1 day, 0:51:37 None
feat(stepfunctions): add comment ability for when condition #27010 msambol 1:20:17 13 days, 23:58:11 None
fix(integ-tests): Uint8Arrays are not decoded properly #27009 otaviomacedo 3:56:49 1 day, 1:54:28 None
chore: include basic workspace file with jest configuration #27008 mrgrain 0:00:38 0:24:44 None
docs(ssm): fix grammatical errors for StringParameter #27004 msambol 1:13:29 1:39:40 None
fix(events-targets): AwsApi is still using Node 16 #27002 mrgrain 13:53:04 1 day, 0:46:20 None
feat(cloud9): Add support for federated-user and assumed-role for Cloud9 environment ownership #27001 markusz 0:02:02 None None
fix(custom-resources): empty Lambda response payload causes deployment failure #27000 rix0rrr 0:02:34 1 day, 21:20:19 None
feat: update AWS Service Spec #26999 aws-cdk-automation None 0:24:56 None
feat: add IAM role support for Cloud9 environment ownership #26997 markusz 0:02:14 None None
chore(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 38.1.3 to 38.2.1 #26996 dependabot[bot] 0:23:57 0:24:25 None
fix(logs): log retention custom resource timed out during deploy #26995 mrgrain 0:02:02 1 day, 16:13:01 None
feat(core): add setter for termination protection on stack #26992 msambol 0:02:03 15 days, 13:37:08 None
feat(ecs): add Amazon Linux 2023 to EcsOptimizedImage #26989 layertwo 0:01:57 6 days, 8:56:51 None
feat(core): support adding additional cache key to cdk context values #26984 luxaritas 0:02:13 None None
chore(merge-back): 2.94.0 #26981 aws-cdk-automation None 0:25:15 None
fix(route53): CrossAccountZoneDelegationRecord is still using Node 16 #26980 scanlonp 2 days, 14:58:19 3 days, 13:02:39 None
chore(release): 2.94.0 #26975 aws-cdk-automation None 0:45:58 None
docs(cloudwatch): Both defaultInterval and start for dashboard cannot be set at once #26971 go-to-k 1:27:00 2:19:15 None
feat(cloudwatch): Widgets can define start and end times, including relative values #26969 go-to-k 12 days, 10:51:17 18 days, 7:29:32 None
feat(stepfunction-tasks): allow string in outputLocation parameter #26968 razin99 0:01:57 None None
feat(synthetics-alpha): add latest two NodeJS runtimes #26967 philipmw 4:05:05 5:21:58 None
chore(integ-tests-alpha): add redshift serverless to sdk api metadata #26962 msambol 8:16:56 8:43:43 None
chore: update Contributors File #26961 aws-cdk-automation None 0:25:15 None

This report was generated with the Issue Metrics Action
Search query used to find these items: repo:aws/aws-cdk is:pr created:2023-09-01..2023-09-30 -is:draft




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