Boiler actor device for ELV/EQ-3 MAX! cube. Please take a look at wiki for detailed information.
- fixed malformed L response processing, max 128 devices can be processed (more that EQ3 allows)
- fixed wrong processing of eq3 cube data, especially L response. If cube is somehow misconfigured, e.g. device is present in L response, but there is no device in C response, loop never ends.
- alpha V307, added support for svpnmw in profiles
- alpha V304, add fix for manual mode to check if temperature is over setup.summertime, and if its over, do not run heating, just quick fix to handle inconsistent MaxCube behaviour in summer
- alpha V302, with more diagnostics for temp/time profiles
- alpha V299, manual mode fully implemented, thermeq3 is now completely fail safe from Max!Cube errors, such as lost configuration etc.
- open windows adjusment fixed
- alpha V298, many V297 bugs fixed :)
- known issue: open window adjustment can go wrong, debugging support for maxeq3 module added
- alpha V297
- proxy fully implemented
- multiple checks and error implemented, especially for wrong M response from MaxCube
- manual mode implemented as fail safe, if any error experienced, thermeq3 switched to manual mode to retain heating
- minor improvements
- multiple checks and error response added in alpha V295
- support for proxying Max!Cube response to other devices, new file proxy.eq3 generated every cube read
- alpha V294 ready for standalone operation, e.g. no need for yun or RPi, can operate in any linux/windows distro
- relay actions separated into file, this must be implemented to suite your separate relay
- config_me script updated
- dashboard updated
- alpha V287 with new yahoo weather support
If you experiencing problems with retired yahoo weather code, please switch to OpenWeather. Simply update bridge value weather_reference
with value owm
, e.g. http://<ardu.ip>/data/put/weather_reference/owm
If you want still use yahoo weather, please get your AppID and keys on this page. Support for new API will be available in few days.
Yahoo weather API is retired. Please wait for fix.
- minor fix
- Python 3 compatible version in alpha
- RPi port update, minor fixes
- new universal installer for both platforms, feel free to test
- redesigned dashboard installers
- RPi port in alpha stage, testers still wanted
- RPi support added, testers wanted
- simple external device based on ESP8266 and eInk to display status with open windows list. Feel free to test and comment.
- calling to arms YĂşn Rev2 users, I'll be pointed to some incompatibilities between Rev1 and Rev2. Rev2 users, please use
install script to check if install script/wget is working flawless
- someone calls for manual heating override, please take a look at new dashboard. For those who sports simple URL, please use
to stop orhttp://ardu.ip/data/put/msg/H
to start heating
- possibility to get temperature and humidity from local source, bridge values: local_temp, local_humidity and weather_reference
- fixed persistence of values after reboot
- complete system dump in bridge, key "dump"
- minor fixes in nsm and dashboard
- separated mail user for login and from address variable
- readme update
- yun sketch update addressing wrong response from cube (typically wrong M response)
- watchdog script preparedness
- V250 in alpha
- weather fixes
- new config file support
- lifetime valve ignore from config file, there is no need to add valve manual via bridge!
- file in support directory for deleting devices from cube. In case that you have corrupted condfiguration and many Wrong address errors in log file.
- for the bravest there is an alpha channel
- this is only for upgrade, please use this upgrade script
- bridge file moved to sd card, if found in
then moved do sd card - some new shell scripts below
- upgrade thermeq3
- recreate uhttpd files on sd card
- create nsm file in
, just for compatibility issues
- wall thermostat temperature fixed
- RPi preparedness. Please follow instruction in code. Unfortunatelly I don't have RPi to test it, please report if you need any changes.
- Lot of fixes.
- to use "current" temperature for loggging find out this text
# comment line below to use current temp
in (for V1xx) or in (for V2xx) and follow instructions. Please keep in mind, that current temperature on heater thermostat can be 0.0 (zero) because of limitations of HT!
- despite fact that V1xx is obsolete, here is the new version, V152, fixing some bugs, thanks to TonyV from UK :0
- lib version updated
- directory structure reorganised
- new install script for all version (old one in one file (, new one with libraries)
- some cleanup on github
- new librarysed version in betabeat
- new install script for lib version in scripts
- some code overhaul :)
- betabeat: new RPi version
- betabeat: bridge routine rewrited, some support for literal processing
- betabeat: ignore intervals corrected
- betabeat: you can ignore valve forever, just edit bridgefile and to ign codeword add valveserial and time since epoch=1924991999, its 31/Dec/2030 :), e.g. {"06ABCD": 1924991999}
- betabeat: new boiler controlling variable, svpnmw (Single Valve Position, No Matter What) in %, if any of valves opened more than svpnmw then heating is on, to turn off just set to 101%
- betabeat: new weather API used, yahoo YQL and OWM, API key for OWM is from OWM example page, please change it
- just for sure, use "new" bridge python library from
- new codeword, mode, can be auto or manual, added after request, in auto mode thermeq3 sends H/S commands to arduino part, in manual mode do nothing :)
- betabeat: some javascript code (based on jquery ui) to control device, ugly, not fully functional, first steps with JS and CSS ;)
- betabeat: code cleanup
- betabeat: new arduino command A, clears LED
- betabeat: some cleanup, codeword dump removed
- minor fixes
- new status messages
- JSON formated string in current status
- some fix in RPi version, please check commented code and uncomment (setblocking)
- if anyone need room names in CSV, uncomment code in exportCSV()
- minor updates
- minor updates, betabeat and production are the same version
- alpha RPi version, only change is the abstraction code replacing bridgeclient (but as reported from users, it works! :))
- minor updates
- updating valve ignore interval according to outer temperature
- more pythonic code, classes etc.
- betabeat: yahoo weather and oww interval sampling working
- betabeat: in secondary web folder
file is generated, contains nice formated status (hm, if pre means nice)
- support for yahoo weather, stay tuned for open window interval auto update by actual weather situation (temperature, humidity), better ventilation 'support'
- resample function
- support directory in betabeat, check code for sampling function, modify to your needs
- betabeat: if webserver directory not exist, is created
- betabeat: correct response on secondary web server, eg: http://arduino.ip:second_port/cgi-bin/status returns app/json from status.xml file
- betabeat: open window list and current status separated into secondary web server as xml files, accessible w/o any credentials
- Simple install script: update opkg, installs openssl for python, create some scripts for controlling.
- Ignoring valve after closing window
- Redesigned rooms/valves listing in log file
- Support for tasker, new bridge values: openwinlist and current_status, please take a look at
directory, there's simple example how to list open windows. Usefull especially when leaving house :) - New CSV file handling, file is generated daily. New column in CSV, after date/time col, you can read 0/1 for heating (0=off, 1=on), so you can analyze when is boiler turned on or off (no more cat log | grep)
- Redesigned bridge functions (load/save), little bit failsafe (nothing extraordinary)
- Implemented support for day table, just enable beta functionality (thermeq3.ip/data/put/beta/yes) and edit table in You can control boiler in different way during day.