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GSoC 2016 Student Applications

OlgaVorokh edited this page Mar 27, 2016 · 18 revisions

If you would like us to give feedback on your application, please create a new page on this wiki with the name GSoC 2016 Application <Your Name>:<Project Name> and link to this page from the list below. Note that this does not constitute a formal application and is for feedback only. Once you have iterated on feedback with your mentor(s), you should go ahead and submit an initial version through Google Summer of Code. Note that this site allows you to update the proposal up to the deadline.

Note: you can leave out the Student Information section (and any other personal information) from the applications below - this is just for us to be able to give feedback. But make sure you include these sections in the Google Summer of Code application!

IMPORTANT: create a page for your application using the 'New page' button - do not delete this page! Once you have created a separate page, add a link below

To add an entry, use the following Markdown syntax:

[Your Name: Project title](

Anchit Jain: Implement Public API for ERFA

[Aniket Kulkarni: Implement Scheduling Capabilities for Astroplan in Astropy] (

Bhautik Mavani: Implement Public API for ERFA

Esteban Pardo: Implement PSF photometry for fitting several overlapping objects at once

Kumar Ayush: Implement PSF photometry for fitting several overlapping objects at once

[Kushan Joshi: A web app to explore the gamma ray sky] (

Olga Vorokh: Image processing and source detection in Gammapy

Mandar Gondhalekar: Ephemerides for Solar System objects in Astropy

[Manikanta Reddy D: Ephemerides for Solar System objects in Astropy] (

Michele Costa: Bridge sherpa and astropy fitting

Parikshit Sakurikar: Implement PSF photometry for fitting several overlapping objects at once

Sharad Mirani: Ephemerides for Solar System Objects in Astropy

Zé: Implement PSF photometry for fitting several overlapping objects at once

Sunil Kumar: Ephemerides for Solar System Objects in Astropy

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