quickgist is a simple command line tool for creating gists. Files can be specified as the sources argument or piped in via stdin. URLs are automatically shortened with git.io.
pip install quickgist
git clone https://github.com/astocko/quickgist.git
cd quickgist
python setup.py install
usage: quickgist [-h] [-f F] [-d D] [-p] [-l] [-nl] [-v]
[sources [sources ...]]
quickgist is a simple command line tool for creating gists.
positional arguments:
sources gist content sources, ex: test.txt, test1.txt test2.txt,
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f F gist filename, only used for stdin or to override single input
-d D gist description
-p private gist
-l long url, will not shorten
-nl suppress newline after url, good for xclip
-v show program's version number and exit
$ quickgist file.txt
$ quickgist -d "some files" file.txt src/*.py
$ cat foo | quickgist -f foo.txt
$ xclip -sel c -o | quickgist
$ quickgist -nl -d "markdown" *.md | xclip -sel c
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