A step by step tutorial to build a chat room with real-time online counting using Azure Functions, Event Grid, App Service Authentication, and SignalR Service.
- Prerequisites
- Initialize the function app
- Deploy and run function app on Azure
- Enable authentication on Azure
- Build the sample locally
The following softwares are required to build this tutorial.
- Node.js (Version 10.x, required for JavaScript sample)
- .NET SDK (Version 6.0, required for Functions extensions)
- Azure Functions Core Tools (Version 4)
- Azure CLI
No matter you want to build and test the Azure Functions app on Azure or locally. The app will access a SignalR Service instance in Azure that needs to be created ahead of time.
Create Azure SignalR Service using
az cli
az signalr create -n <signalr-name> -g <resource-group-name> --sku Free_F1
For more details about creating Azure SignalR Service, see the tutorial.
After the instance is deployed, open it in the portal and locate its
page. Change the Service Mode setting to Serverless.
An Azure Storage account is required by a function app using Event Grid trigger. You will also host the web page for the chat UI using the static websites feature of Azure Storage if you try to deploy the application to Azure.
Create a storage with kind
usingaz cli
az storage account create -n <storage-account-name> -g <resource-group-name> -l <location> --sku Standard_LRS --kind StorageV2
Git clone the project and open the folder with VS Code
git clone git@github.com:aspnet/AzureSignalR-samples.git
In the repository, there're two Event Grid integration samples using different languages. For the JavaScript sample, navigate to
If you want to use C# sample, navigate to
When running and debugging the Azure Functions runtime locally, application settings are read from local.settings.json. Also, you can upload there settings to remote when you try to deploy Function App to Azure. Update this file with the connection string of the SignalR Service instance that you created earlier.
Open the file local.settings.json and update the settings. (The file shown below is used by JavaScript sample, and the C# sample is similar)
{ "IsEncrypted": false, "Values": { "AzureSignalRConnectionString": "<signalr-connection-string>", "WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION": "10.14.1", "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "node", "AzureWebJobsStorage": "<Azure-storage-connection-string>", "AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING": "<Azure-storage-connection-string>" }, "Host": { "LocalHttpPort": 7071, "CORS": "", "CORSCredentials": true } }
with Azure SignalR Service connection string. Obtain the value from the Keys page in the Azure SignalR Service resource in the Azure portal; either the primary or secondary connection string can be used. -
with connection string of storage created previously.AzureWebJobsStorage
is used by Event Grid trigger and theAZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING
is used by storage client in codes.
Save the file.
Open the VS Code command palette (
, macOS:Cmd-Shift-P
) and select Azure Functions: Initialize Project for Use with VSCode. -
Open the terminal and run
func extensions install
to install all the dependencies.
In the VS Code, install the Azure Functions Extension.
Open the VS Code command palette (
, macOS:Cmd-Shift-P
) and select Azure Functions: Deploy to Function App. -
When prompted, provide the following information.
Name Value Folder to deploy Select the main project folder Subscription Select your subscription Function app Select Create New Function App Function app name Enter a unique name Resource group Select the same resource group as the SignalR Service instance Storage account Select the storage account you created earlier A new function app is created in Azure and the deployment begins. Wait for the deployment to complete.
Open the VS Code command palette (
, macOS:Cmd-Shift-P
). -
Search for and select the Azure Functions: Upload local settings command.
When prompted, provide the following information.
Name Value Local settings file local.settings.json Subscription Select your subscription Function app Select the previously deployed function app Local settings are uploaded to the function app in Azure. If prompted to overwrite existing settings, select Yes to all.
We use Static Website to host the web page. Find the document for more details.
Enable the static website feature
az storage blob service-properties update --account-name <storage-account-name> --static-website --index-document index.html
Get the url of function app
hostname=$(az functionapp show -n <function-app-name> -g <resource-group-name> -o tsv --query defaultHostName)
Replace the
with the urlhttps://$(hostname)
Upload the
to Azure Storageaz storage blob upload-batch -s content -d '$web' --account-name <storage-account-name>
Get the primary url of website and save it for future use.
az storage account show -n <storage-account-name> -g <resource-group-name> --query "primaryEndpoints.web" --output tsv
Subscribe to Azure SignalR OnConnected and OnDisconnected events and let Event Grid trigger be enabled.
Open the VS Code command palette (
, macOS:Cmd-Shift-P
). -
Search for and select the Azure Functions: Open in portal command.
Select the Function
in the left panel. After the function shown, clickAdd Event Grid subscription
and choose the Azure SignalR Service.
Although there is a CORS setting in local.settings.json, it is not propagated to the function app in Azure. You need to set it separately.
Open the function app in the Azure portal.
Under the Platform features tab, select CORS.
In the Allowed origins section, add an entry with the static website primary endpoint as the value (remove the trailing /).
In order for the SignalR JavaScript SDK call your function app from a browser, support for credentials in CORS must be enabled. Select the "Enable Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" checkbox.
Click Save to persist the CORS settings.
In a browser, navigate to the storage account's primary web endpoint.
When you're connected, the online connection count is shown and you will get a welcome message.
Send public messages by entering them into the main chat box.
App Service Authentication supports authentication with Microsoft Entra ID, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft account, and Google.
In the function app that was opened in the portal, locate the Platform features tab, select Authentication/Authorization.
Turn On App Service Authentication.
In Action to take when request is not authenticated, select "Allow Anonymous requests (no action)".
In Allowed External Redirect URLs, enter the URL of your storage account primary web endpoint that you previously noted.
Follow the documentation for the login provider of your choice to complete the configuration.
Open index.html and update the value of
. -
The application can be configured with authentication using Microsoft Entra ID, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft account, or Google. Select the authentication provider that you will use by setting the value of
. -
Use Azure Storage: Deploy to Static Website command to upload the index.html to Azure Storage
Update the attribute parameter of negotiate function.
If you're using JavaScript sample, update in
.{ "type": "signalRConnectionInfo", "name": "connectionInfo", "userId": "{headers.x-ms-client-principal-name}", "hubName": "EventGridIntegrationSampleChat", "direction": "in" }
If you're using C# sample, add parameter
UserId = "{headers.x-ms-signalr-userid}"
function.[SignalRConnectionInfo(HubName = HubName, UserId = "{headers.x-ms-signalr-userid}")] SignalRConnectionInfo connectionInfo
Deploy the function to Azure again
In a browser, navigate to the storage account's primary web endpoint.
Select Login to authenticate with your chosen authentication provider.
When you're connected, the online connection count is shown and you will get a welcome message.
Send public messages by entering them into the main chat box.
Send private messages by clicking on a username in the chat history. Only the selected recipient will receive these messages.
- Live Server - serve web pages locally for testing
- ngrok - Public URLs for exposing your local Event Grid trigger
When running Event Grid trigger locally, you need a tool to proxy events to your local endpoint like ngrok. For more details about running Event Grid trigger locally, go to the document.
Download ngrok.exe from ngrok, and run with the following command:
ngrok http -host-header=localhost 7071
The -host-header parameter is needed because the functions runtime expects requests from localhost when it runs on localhost. 7071 is the default port number when the runtime runs locally.
The command creates output like the following:
Session Status online
Version 2.2.8
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding http://263db807.ngrok.io -> localhost:7071
Forwarding https://263db807.ngrok.io -> localhost:7071
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
You'll use the https://{subdomain}.ngrok.io
URL for your Event Grid subscription.
The ngrok URL doesn't get special handling by Event Grid, so your function must be running locally when the subscription is created. If it isn't, the validation response doesn't get sent and the subscription creation fails.
Create an Event Grid subscription of SignalR Service, and give it your ngrok endpoint.
Use this endpoint pattern for Functions 2.x:
parameter must be the name specified in the FunctionName
Here's an example to integrate with Azure SignalR Service using the Azure CLI:
az eventgrid event-subscription create --resource-id <signalr-service-resource-id> --name <event-grid-subscription-name> --endpoint https://263db807.ngrok.io/runtime/webhooks/eventgrid?functionName=OnConnection
The chat application's UI is a simple single page application (SPA) created with the Vue JavaScript framework. It will be hosted separately from the function app. Locally, you will run the web interface using the Live Server VS Code extension.
Press F5 to run the function app locally and attach a debugger.
With index.html open, start Live Server by opening the VS Code command palette (
, macOS:Cmd-Shift-P
) and selecting Live Server: Open with Live Server. Live Server will open the application in a browser.-
section in local.settings.json configures the port and CORS settings for the local Functions host (this setting has no effect when running in Azure).[!NOTE] Live Server is typically configured to serve content from
. If you find that it is using a different URL or you are using a different HTTP server, change theCORS
setting to reflect the correct origin.
The application opens. You will get a welcome message from
and real-time connected connection counting. Also, you can broadcast message in the chat sample.