A library heavily inspired by the excellent Ruby library SimpleForm, offering a series of functions for quickly generating forms.
Add the following to your project.clj
[clj-simple-form "0.1.4"]
For other options, please refer to the library Clojars page.
This will include both the core libraries as well as a
Hiccup based HTML backend via
Giddyup. You can also include
only the core library and load your custom HTML backend by using
and adding the following to your
[clj-simple-form/clj-simple-form-core "0.1.4"]
You can find examples below and for more extensive documentation you can refer to the API docs.
(def values {:name "Joe" :email "joe@example.com"})
(def errors {})
;; `clj-simple-form.form-scope` handles form bindings
(with-form-scope :profile values errors
;; `clj-simple-form.input` provides a set of ready form elements to use
(text-field-input :name)
(email-input :email)
;; `clj-simple-form.fields` allows you to use the value hook backend
;; with your own inputs
(text-field :coupon-code)
;; `clj-simple-form.helpers` includes a few utility functions for forms
(cancel-button "/")
Internationalization is handled behind the scenes by Tower. Simple Form looks for specific keys in the dictionary to handle labels, hints, and placeholders.
(def dictionary
{:en {:simple-form
{:defaults {:actions {:cancel "Cancel"
:submit "Save"}
:labels {:email "Email"}}}
{:profile {:actions {:submit "Save profile"}
:labels {:name "Name"}
:hints {:email "Your primary address"}
:placeholders {:name "First Last"}}}}})
(tower/set-config! :dictionary dictionary)
By default, clj-simple-form
will use a backend built around
Hiccup. You can, however,
easily hook in another HTML generation library with
. For now, please refer to the source of
for a reference implementation.
If you have suggestions for the library, you are welcome to open up a new issue. I also welcome code contributions, in which case I would recommend a pull request with a feature branch.
Copyright © 2012 Janne Asmala
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.