- What Starbucks can teach us about software scalability
- HailO's journey from monolith to microservices Part 1
- HailO's journey from monolith to microservices Part 2
- HailO's journey from monolith to microservices Part 3
- WesternDevs discussion summary on Microservices
- Yan Cui's notes on Tammer Saleh's CraftConf 2015 talk on Microservice Anti-patterns
- Yan Cui's notes on Richard Rodger's Code Motion 2015 talk on "Measuring Microservices"
- Yan Cui's notes on Adrian Trenaman's CraftCon 2015 talk on "Scaling Microservices at Gilt"
- Damian Maclennan on the human benefits of a microservice architecture
- Steve Yegge's post on Amazon switching to microservices
- Barry Jones of CodeShip's post on "Exploring Microservices Architecture on Heroku"
- Dr Mark Little (Red Hat) on "Microservices 101: The good, the bad and the ugly"
- Voxxed article on "Do Good Microservices Architectures Spell the Death of the Enterprise Service Bus?"
- Jennifer Riggins article on "Agile Management: How to Manage Microservices With Your Team"
- ThoughtWorks article on "Microservices Architecture for Enterprises"
- Martin Fowler's series of articles and case studies
- Martin Fowler's Microservices Resource Guide
- Nginx post about "Adopting Microservices at Netflix: Lessons for Architectural Design"
- Joe Emison at The New Stack posting about "Your Lead Architect Doesn't Really Understand Microservices"
- Sami Lamti posts reflecting on what he learned in Sam Newman workshop at NDC Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
- JR D'Amore of ThoughtWorks on Scaling Microservices with an Event Stream
- Graham Lea on "Microservices Security: All the Questions You Should Be Asking"
- Gareth Rushgrove's slide deck entitled "Containers and Microservices Make Performance Worse" (looking for a recording of this talk if anyone knows of one)
- Summary of Daniel Bryant's "The Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices: Redux" talk from Devoxx UK 2015
- Stefan Borsje on "How we build microservices at Karma"
- Toby Clemson's slide deck on "Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture"
- Vivek Juneja on "Microservices: Four Essential Checklists when Getting Started"
- Benjamin Wootton of Contino on "Microservices - Not A Free Lunch!"
- Phil Calcado on "How we ended up with microservices"
- James Governor on "Microservices and Disposability: On Cattle, Pets, Prize Bulls, Wildebeests and Crocodiles"
- Segment: Rebuilding our infrastructure with Docker, ECS, and TerraForm
- Segment: The Segment aws stack for easily managing microservices in AWS
- Segment: Why microservices
- O'Reilly (free with registration) - Migrating to Cloud-Native Application Architectures
- O'Reilly - Building Microservices
- Udi Dahan at µCon 2014 talking about "An Integrated Services Approach"
- Adrian Cockcroft at DockerCon 2014-EU on "State of the Art in Microservices"
- Adrian Cockcroft at the Silicon Valley Microservices Meetup 2014 on Migrating to Microservices Part 1 -- Part 2
- Tammer Saleh's CraftCon 2015 talk on "Microservice Anti-patterns"
- Richard Rodger's Code Motion 2015 talk on "Measuring Microservices"
- Adrian Trenaman's CraftCon 2015 talk on "Scaling Microservices at Gilt"
- Martin Fowler's XConf 2014 talk on Microservices
- Ian Cooper's NDC Oslo 2015 talk on "Microservices, cutting through the Gordian Knot"
- Sam Newman's NDC Oslo 2015 talk on "Principles of Microservices"
- ThoughtWorks Microservices Adoption in the Enterprise Part 1 -- Part 2
- Exploring Microservices in Docker and Azure - Microsoft Virtual Academy
- Zhamak Dehghani's talk on "Real World Microservices"
- Sam Newman at FlowCon 2014 talking about "Deploying and Testing Microservices"
- Rick Fast & Steve Hoffman at DockerCon 15 talking about "Enabling Microservices @ Orbits"
- Daniel Bryant's talk at Devoxx UK 2015 about "The Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices Redux" -- Requires account and login to view
- Philip Wills talk at QCon talking about "Microservices are (Conceptually) Too Big"
- Josh Ellithorp of Apcera talks about "Microservices: Notes From the Field"
- Ryan Baxter's talk at DevNexus 2015 about "Think Small Go Big - An Introduction to Microservices"
- Fred George's talk at GoTo Amsterdam 2015 about "Challenges in Implementing MicroServices"
- Scott Triglia's (Yelp) talk at EuroPython 2015 on "Arrested Development - surviving the awkward adolescence of a microservices-based application"
- Mitchell Hashimoto (creator of Consul) at DevConTLV 2014 talking about "Building Robust Systems with Service Discovery and Configuration"
- Armon Dadgar at Ricon 2014 talking about "Consul: Service Oriented at Scale"
- Jason Robey's (Nike) talk at AWS re:Invent 2014 on Nike's Journey to Microservices
- Neal Ford (ThoughtWorks) at JavaZone 2015 on "Building Microservice Architectures"
- Zhamak Dehghani's talk at GOTO Copenhagen 2015 on "The Yellow Brick Road: Taking Microservices Home In Large Enterprises"
- [Rachel Reese's talk at Oredev 2015 on "Patterns and Practices for Real-World Event-Driven Microservices"] (https://vimeo.com/144692770 )
- [Richard Rodger's (nearForm) talk at Future Insights 2015 on "Measuring Micro-Services"] (https://futureinsights-1.wistia.com/medias/2wy9i3xzy3)
- Sam Newman's (Thoughtworks) Berlin Microservices Meetup 2015 talk on "Securing Microservices"
- WesternDevs discussion on Microservices
- Software Engineering Radio #213: James Lewis on Microservices
- .NET Rocks #1150: Building Microservices with Howard Dierking
#Tooling, Techniques and Platforms ##Correlation IDs
##Consumer Driven Contracts
- Consumer Driven Contracts - Pact and PactNet
- Fowler on Consumer Driven Contracts
##Service Discovery
- Consul
- Zookeeper
- Eureka
##Resiliency and Reliability
##Load Balancing