We provide several scripts to benchmark VISSL components like dataloader, transforms etc. This can help see the performance of these components and optimize them.
To benchmark any dataset, simply run the benchmark_data.py
on any config of your choice. For example:
buck run @mode/opt deeplearning/projects/ssl_framework/tools/perf_measurement:benchmark_data -- \
config=test/integration_test/quick_simclr \
config.DATA.TRAIN.DATA_SOURCES=[disk_folder] \
config.DATA.TRAIN.DATASET_NAMES=[imagenet1k_folder] \
Changing these lines to test fairstore:
config.DATA.TRAIN.DATA_SOURCES=[fairstore] \
config.DATA.TRAIN.DATASET_NAMES=[fairstore_testing] \
Setting the following is useful in debugging the dataset in a single process mode (e.g. with pdb):
In the example above, ensure that you have imagenet data already installed in /data/local
This will output the images/sec, sec/image.
buck run @mode/opt deeplearning/projects/ssl_framework/tools/perf_measurement:benchmark_transforms