A CLI tool that helps you to take classes online in the minimalistic way possible .
Watch online videos directly streaming to your local media player , take attendance and watch upcoming events without the use of your browser . Directly download any resources available on the online platform without opening your browser .
Also see Proxy Buddy -> A python program deployed on REPL 24/7 which takes attendance on your behalf and sends notifications to whatsapp through twilio api .
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/ashish-patwal/MoodleAutomate.git
- Cd into the repository
cd MoodleAutomate/
- Install required modules with requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Python library needed :
- bs4
- urllib3
- html5lib
- inquirer
- tabulate
- soupsieve
Make sure your are in root MoodleAutomate folder ( Not moodle_automate )
All the flags ( -h, -c, -s, -a, -e, -d) are mutually exclusive < you can only use one flag at a time not together >
- Display Help
python -m moodle_automate.cli -h
- Set up Config
python -m moodle_automate.cli -c
- List subjects to watch video lectures and download resources
python -m moodle_automate.cli -s
- Download video lectures and resources ( pdf, pptx etc )
python -m moodle_automate.cli -d
- Show upcoming events if available
python -m mooodle_automate.cli -e
- Take attendance if available
python -m moodle_automate.cli -a