WordPress CrudRest Plugin generator eclipse plugin
This artifact is the result of a master's thesis in Isfahan University and contains set of Eclipse plugins that enable you to generate a WordPress plugin by graphical modelling. We use Model-Driven approach to generate codes from model. WPCrudRest is currently only available as a plugin for Eclipse. It used Sirius to provide a graphical modelling environment and use Acceleo to transform models to codes.
- Download Eclipse Modeling Tools
- Install (unzip) downloaded Eclipse package
- Download latest WPCrudRest package
- Unzip downloaded package and copy dropins directory to eclipse installation path (e.g : C:\Program Files\eclipse)
- Execute Eclipse
- Install Acceleo plugin
- Restart Eclipse
- Create new Modeling Project
- Copy FieldTypeRepo.crudrest from models directory to project model directory
- will be completed...