You must have two tables in your MySQL database, id_ec
and id_ec_atributo
To start off, setup your basic dev system environment. Make sure you follow the on-screen instructions
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools git-core python-git python-dev libmysqlclient-dev python-mysqldb
Instal virtualenv and setup a clean environment
$ sudo easy_intall virtualenv
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages venv
Install the necessary python packages
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install mysql-python uuid
Time to create the necessary tables for the visualization.
$ mysql -uroot -p <name_of_the_db> < sqlscripts/id_ec_num.sql
$ mysql -uroot -p <name_of_the_db> < sqlscripts/id_ec_atributo_num.sql
$ mysql -uroot -p <name_of_the_db> < sqlscripts/nivel1.sql
Go to the python
folder and edit your
to your configuration
$ cp
You will have to fix the ECs for five proteins in both the id_ec
and id_ec_atributo
tables. Their
fields are 809633
, 879653
, 1005944
, 1080973
and 1216344
. The EC fields with the values
must be changed to 1.1.-.-
. Here is one example:
mysql> update biovis.id_ec_atributo set ec_novo = '1.1.-.-' where indice = 1005944;
Time to run the scripts
$ python
$ python
$ python
After running the scripts above, the database will have three new tables,
, id_ec_num
and id_ec_atributo_num
. Finally, indices must be created for the two
latter tables:
$ mysql -uroot -p
mysql> create index i1 on id_ec_num(ver_estudo, prefixo);
mysql> create index i1 on id_ec_atributo_num(ver_estudo, prefixo);
mysql> create index i2 on id_ec_atributo_num(ver_estudo, prefixo, subidas, descidas, ec_ant0, ec_novo0);
The Processing code is located on the prot2
folder, and should run on major operating systems. To
download the Processing Sandbox go to .
You need to download the SQLibrary by Florian Jenett at this link and follow the instructions on the same website.
You need to configure the file mysql_settings.txt.template
to match
your database's configuration. Then simply rename the file:
$ cp mysql_settings.txt.template mysql_settings.txt