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Notifications plugin for FIR


This plugins allows you to send notifications to users.


In your FIR virtualenv, launch:

(fir-env)$ pip install -r fir_notifications/requirements.txt

In $FIR_HOME/fir/config/installed_app.txt, add:


In your $FIR_HOME, launch:

(fir-env)$ ./ migrate fir_notifications

You should configure fir_celery (broker and result backend).


Users can subscribe to notifications via their profile page.

Core FIR notifications:

  • 'event:created': new event
  • 'event:updated': update of an event
  • 'incident:created': new incident
  • 'incident:updated': update of an incident
  • 'event:commented': new comment added to an event
  • 'incident:commented': new comment added to an incident
  • 'event:status_changed': event status changed
  • 'incident:status_changed': incident status changed



You can disable notification events in the settings using the key NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED_EVENTS:

NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED_EVENTS = ('event:created', 'incident:created')

If you don't want to send different notification events for Incidents and Events, you should enable this setting:

# Send 'incident:*' notification events for both Event and Incident if True


fir_notifications uses the FIR plugin fir_celery.

Full URL in notification links

To generate correct URL in notification, fir_notifications needs to know the external URL of the FIR site:


Email notifications

Follow the fir_email README.

Jabber (XMPP) notifications

Configure fir_notifications:

# FIR user JID 
# Password for JID
NOTIFICATIONS_XMPP_PASSWORD = 'my secret password'
# XMPP server
# XMPP server port

Notification templates

You have to create at least onenotification template per notification event in the Django admin site.

To render notifications, each notification method can use the fields subject, description or short_description:

  • Email uses subject and description.
  • XMPP uses subject and short_description.

These fields will accept Markdown formatted text and Django template language markups. The Django template context will contain an instanceobject, the instance of the object that fired the notification event.

The Email description will generate a multipart message: a plain text part in Markdown and a HTML part rendered from this Markdown. The XMPP short_description will be rendered as HTML from Markdown.

The template used to send the notification to the user will be chosen from the templates available to this user:

  • For a user with global permissions (permission from a Django group), global templates (templates with no nusiness line attached to it) will be preferred.
  • For a user with no global permission, the nearest business line template will be preferred, global templates will be used as a fallback.


Adding notification method

You have to create a subclass of NotificationMethod from fir_notifications.methods and implement at least the send method. You can then register your method with fir_notification.registry.registry.register_method.

If your configuration method needs some additional user defined settings, you have to list them in the class property options. See EmailMethod and XmppMethod for details.

Adding notification event

Use the @notification_event decorator defined in fir_notifications.decorators to decorate a classic Django signal handler function. This handler must return a tuple with an instance of the notification model and a queryset of the concerned business lines.