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Faster implementation of Stata's collapse, egen, xtile, isid, and more using C plugins


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Faster Stata for big data. This packages provides a hash-based implementation of collapse, pctile, xtile, contract, egen, isid, levelsof, and unique/distinct using C plugins for a massive speed improvement.

version 0.13.1 02May2018 Builds: Linux, OSX Travis Build Status, Windows (Cygwin) Appveyor Build status

Faster Stata for Group Operations

This package's aim is to provide a fast implementation of various Stata commands using hashes and C plugins. If you plan to use the plugin extensively, check out the remarks below and the FAQs for caveats and details on the plugin (including some extra features!).

Gtools commands with a Stata equivalent

(NOTE: strL variables are not yet supported; see issue 39)

Function Replaces Speedup (IC / MP) Unsupported Extras
gcollapse collapse 9 to 300 / 4 to 120 (+) Quantiles, merge, nunique, label output
gegen egen 9 to 26 / 4 to 9 (+,.) labels Weights, quantiles, nunique
gcontract contract 5 to 7 / 2.5 to 4
gisid isid 8 to 30 / 4 to 14 using, sort if, in
glevelsof levelsof 3 to 13 / 2 to 5-7 Multiple variables
gquantiles xtile 10 to 30 / 13 to 25 (-) Weights by(), various (see usage)
pctile 13 to 38 / 3 to 5 (-) Ibid. Ibid.
_pctile 25 to 40 / 3 to 5 Ibid. Ibid.

(+) The upper end of the speed improvements for gcollapse are for quantiles (e.g. median, iqr, p90) and few groups. Weights have not been benchmarked.

(.) Only gegen group was benchmarked rigorously.

(-) Benchmarks computed 10 quantiles. When computing a large number of quantiles (e.g. thousands) pctile and xtile are prohibitively slow due to the way they are written; in that case gquantiles is hundreds or thousands of times faster.

Gtools extras

Function Similar (SSC/SJ) Speedup (IC / MP) Notes
fasterxtile fastxtile 20 to 30 / 2.5 to 3.5 Can use by(); weights not supported
egenmisc (SSC) (-) 8 to 25 / 2.5 to 6
astile (SSC) (-) 8 to 12 / 3.5 to 6
gunique unique 4 to 26 / 4 to 12
gdistinct distinct 4 to 26 / 4 to 12 Also saves results in matrix
gtop (gtoplevelsof) groups, select() (+) See table notes (+)

(-) fastxtile from egenmisc and astile were benchmarked against gquantiles, xtile (fasterxtile) using by().

(+) While similar to the user command 'groups' with the 'select' option, gtoplevelsof does not really have an equivalent. It is several dozen times faster than 'groups, select', but that command was not written with the goal of gleaning the most common levels of a varlist. Rather, it has a plethora of features and that one is somewhat incidental. As such, the benchmark is not equivalent and gtoplevelsof does not attempt to implement the features of 'groups'

In addition, several commands take gsort-style input, that is

[+|-]varname [[+|-]varname ...]

This does not affect the results in most cases, just the sort order. Commands that take this type of input include:

  • gcollapse
  • gcontract
  • gegen
  • glevelsof
  • gtop (gtoplevelsof)


The key insight is that hashing the data and sorting a hash is a lot faster than sorting the data to then process it by group. Sorting a hash can be achieved in linear O(N) time, whereas the best sorts take O(N log(N)) time. Sorting the groups would then be achievable in O(J log(J)) time (with J groups). Hence the speed improvements are largest when N / J is largest. Further, compiled C code is much faster than Stata commands.


It should be noted that Stata's sorting mechanism is not inefficient as a general-purpose sort. It is just inefficient for processing data by group. We have implemented a hash-based sorting command, hashsort. While at times this is faster than Stata's sort, it can also often be slower:

Function Replaces Speedup (IC / MP) Unsupported Extras
hashsort sort 2.5 to 4 / .8 to 1.3 Group (hash) sorting
gsort 2 to 18 / 1 to 6 mfirst Sorts are stable

The overhead involves copying the by variables, hashing, sorting the hash, sorting the groups, copying a sort index back to Stata, and having Stata do the final swaps. The plugin runs fast, but the copy overhead plus the Stata swaps often make the function be slower than Stata's native sort.

The reason that the other functions are faster is because they don't deal with all that overhead. By contrast, Stata's gsort is not efficient. To sort data, you need to make pair-wise comparisons. For real numbers, this is just a > b. However, a generic comparison function can be written as compare(a, b) > 0. This is true if a is greater than b and false otherwise. To invert the sort order, one need only use compare(b, a) > 0, which is what gtools does internally.

However, Stata creates a variable that is the inverse of the sort variable. This is equivalent, but the overhead makes it slower than hashsort.


The commands here are also faster than the commands provided by ftools; further, gtools commands take a mix of string and numeric variables, which is a limitation of ftools. (Note I could not get several parts of ftools working on the Linux server where I have access to Stata/MP.)

Gtools Ftools Speedup (IC)
gcollapse fcollapse 2-9 (+)
gegen fegen 2.5-4 (.)
gisid fisid 4-14
glevelsof flevelsof 1.5-13
hashsort fsort 2.5-4

(+) A older set of benchmarks showed larger speed gains in part due to mulit-threading, which has been removed as of 0.8.0, and in part because the old benchmarks were more favorable to gcollapse; in the old benchmarks, the speed gain is still 3-23, even without multi-threading. See the old collapse benchmarks

(.) Only egen group was benchmarked rigorously.


  • The OSX version of gtools was implemented with invaluable help from @fbelotti in issue 11.

  • Gtools was largely inspired by Sergio Correia's (@sergiocorreia) excellent ftools package. Further, several improvements and bug fixes have come from to @sergiocorreia's helpful comments.


I only have access to Stata 13.1, so I impose that to be the minimum.

local github ""
net install gtools, from(`github'/mcaceresb/stata-gtools/master/build/)
* adoupdate, update
* ado uninstall gtools

The syntax is generally analogous to the standard commands (see the corresponding help files for full syntax and options):

sysuse auto, clear

* gquantiles [newvarname =] exp, {_pctile|xtile|pctile} [options]
gquantiles 2 * price, _pctile nq(10)
gquantiles p10 = 2 * price, pctile nq(10)
gquantiles x10 = 2 * price, xtile nq(10) by(rep78)
fasterxtile xx = log(price), cutpoints(p10) by(foreign)

* hashsort varlist, [options]
hashsort -make
hashsort foreign -rep78, benchmark verbose

* gegen target  = stat(source), by(varlist) [options]
gegen tag   = tag(foreign)
gegen group = tag(-price make)
gegen p2_5  = pctile(price), by(foreign) p(2.5)

* gisid varlist [if] [in], [options]
gisid make, missok
gisid price in 1

* glevelsof varlist [if] [in], [options]
glevelsof rep78, local(levels) sep(" | ")
glevelsof foreign mpg if price < 4000, loc(lvl) sep(" | ") colsep(", ")

* gtoplevelsof varlist [if] [in], [options]
gtop foreign rep78
gtoplevelsof foreign rep78, ntop(2) missrow groupmiss pctfmt(%6.4g) colmax(3)

* gcollapse (stat) out = src [(stat) out = src ...], by(varlist) [options]
gcollapse (mean) mean = price (median) p50 = gear_ratio, by(make) merge v
gcollapse (nunique) turn (p97.5) mpg (iqr) headroom, by(foreign rep78) benchmark

See the FAQs or the respective documentation for a list of supported gcollapse and gegen functions.

Extra features

gtools commands support most of the options of their native counterparts, but not all. To compensate, they also offer several features on top the massive speedup. In particulat, see:


Functions available with gegen and gcollapse

gcollapse supports every collapse function, including their weighted versions. In addition, weights can be selectively applied via rawstat(), and nunique counts the number of unique values.

gegen technically does not support all of egen, but whenever a function that is not supported is requested, gegen hashes the data and calls egen grouping by the hash, which is often faster (gegen only supports weights for internal functions, since egen does not normally allow weights).

Hence both should be able to replicate all of the functionality of their Stata counterparts. The following are implemented internally in C:

Function gcollapse gegen
tag X
group X
total X
nunique X X
sum X X
mean X X
sd X X
max X X
min X X
count X X
median X X
iqr X X
percent X X
first X X (+)
last X X (+)
firstnm X X (+)
lastnm X X (+)
semean X X
sebinomial X X
sepoisson X X
percentiles X X
skewness X X
kurtosis X X

(+) first, last, firstmn, and lastnm are different from their counterparts in the egenmore package and, instead, they are analogous to the gcollapse counterparts.

The percentile syntax mimics that of collapse and egen, with the addition that quantiles are also supported. That is,

gcollapse (p#) target = var [target = var ...] , by(varlist)
gegen target = pctile(var), by(varlist) p(#)

where # is a "percentile" with arbitrary decimal places (e.g. 2.5 or 97.5). Last, when gegen calls a function that is not implemented internally by gtools, it will hash the by variables and call egen with by set to an id based on the hash. That is, if fcn is not one of the functions above,

gegen outvar = fcn(varlist) [if] [in], by(byvars)

would be the same as

hashsort byvars, group(id) sortgroup
egen outvar = fcn(varlist) [if] [in], by(id)

but preserving the original sort order. In case an egen option might conflict with a gtools option, the user can pass gtools_capture(fcn_options) to gegen.

Differences from Stata counterparts

Differences from collapse

  • String variables are nor allowed for first, last, min, max, etc. (see issue 25)
  • rawstat allows selectively applying weights.
  • nunique is supported.
  • Option wild allows bulk-rename. E.g. gcollapse mean_x* = x*, wild
  • gcollapse, merge merges the collapsed data set back into memory. This is much faster than collapsing a dataset, saving, and merging after. However, Stata's merge ..., update functionality is not implemented, only replace. (If the targets exist the function will throw an error without replace).
  • gcollapse, labelformat allows specifying the output label using placeholders.
  • gcollapse, missing outputs a missing value for sums if all inputs are missing.

Differences from xtile, pctile, and _pctile

  • No support for weights.
  • Adds support for by()
  • Does not ignore altdef with xtile (see this Statalist thread)
  • Category frequencies can also be requested via binfreq[()].
  • xtile, pctile, and _pctile can be combined via xtile(newvar) and pctile(newvar)
  • There is no limit to nquantiles() for xtile
  • Quantiles can be requested via percentiles() (or quantiles()), cutquantiles(), or quantmatrix() for xtile as well as pctile.
  • Cutoffs can be requested via cutquantiles(), cutoffs(), or cutmatrix() for xtile as well as pctile.
  • The user has control over the behavior of cutpoints() and cutquantiles(). They obey if in with option cutifin, they can be group-specific with option cutby, and they can be de-duplicated via dedup.
  • Fixes numerical precision issues with pctile, altdef (see this Statalist thread; this is a very minor thing so Stata and fellow users maintain it's not an issue, but I think it is because Stata/MP gives what I think is the correct answer whereas IC and SE do not).

Differences from egen

  • group label options are not supported
  • weights are supported for internally implemented functions.
  • nunique is supported.
  • gegen upgrades the type of the target variable if it is not specified by the user. This means that if the sources are double then the output will be double. All sums are double. group creates a long or a double. And so on. egen will default to the system type, which could cause a loss of precision on some functions.
  • For internally supported functions, you can specify a varlist as the source, not just a single variable. Observations will be pooled by row in that case.
  • While gegen is much faster for tag, group, and summary stats, most egen function are not implemented internally, meaning for arbitrary gegen calls this is a wrapper for hashsort and egen.

Differences from levelsof

  • It can take a varlist and not just a varname; in that case it prints all unique combinations of the varlist. The user can specify column and row separators.

Differences from isid

  • No support for using. The C plugin API does not allow to load a Stata dataset from disk.
  • Option sort is not available.
  • It can also check IDs with if and in conditions.

Differences from gsort

  • hashsort behaves as if mfirst was always passed.

The Stata GUI freezes when running Gtools commands

When Stata is executing the plugin, the user will not be able to interact with the Stata GUI. Because of this, Stata may appear unresponsive when it is merely executing the plugin.

There is at least one known instance where this can cause a confusion for the user: If the system runs out of RAM, the program will attempt to use the pagefile/swap space. In doing, so, Stata may appear unresponsive (it may show a "(Not Responding)" message on Windows or it may darken on *nix systems).

The program has not crashed; it is merely trying to swap memory. To check this is the case, the user can monitor disk activity or monitor the pagefile/swap space directly.


Roadmap to 1.0

  • Add support for by in gunique
  • Write examples showcasing each command.
  • Optimize gquantiles
    • If few quentiles, don't sort and do selection.
  • Add by to gquantiles.
  • Copying the second index from the multi-sorted array (Plugin Step 4.3) is actually a pretty big bottleneck. Benchmark whether it is better to use pointers.
  • Reconcile numerical precision issues in gquantiles
  • Add support for weights (Windows and Unix).
    • Add support for weights in OSX.
  • Add tests for skewness and kurtosis, specially OSX.
  • Add comments to all the code base
  • Add debugging info to code base (e.g. gquantiles_by.c, gcollapse.ado)
  • Improve coverage of debug checks.
    • Test nunique for gegen and gcollapse (vs gunique)
    • Have corner cases for ALL commands
    • Test all the options in every command
    • Test errors (i.e. make sure commands fail as expected).

Features that might make it to 1.0 (but I make no promises)

  • Have mlast option for hashsort?
    • Or switch its behavior and have mfirst do what it does now.
  • Add option to save glevelsof in a variable/matrix (incl freq).

These are options/features I would like to support, but I don't have an ETA for them (and they almost surely won't make it to the 1.0 release):

  • Improve debugging info.
  • Improve code comments when you write the API!
  • Minimize memory use.
  • Add option to control how to treat missing values in gcollapse
    • anymissing()
    • allmissing()
  • Add memory(greedy|lean) to give user fine-grained control over internals.
  • Integration with ReadStat?
  • Create a Stata C hashing API with thin wrappers around core functions.
    • This will be a C library that other users can import.
    • Some functionality will be available from Stata via gtooos, api()
  • Have some type of coding standard for the base (coding style)
  • Add option to gtop to display top X results in alpha order
  • Clean exit from gcollapse, gegen on error.
  • Print # of missings for gegen
  • Add "Open Source Licenses" section


Gtools is MIT-licensed. ./lib/spookyhash and ./src/plugin/common/quicksort.c belong to their respective authors and are BSD-licensed.


Faster implementation of Stata's collapse, egen, xtile, isid, and more using C plugins







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  • Stata 66.8%
  • C 31.5%
  • Python 1.1%
  • Makefile 0.2%
  • Lua 0.1%
  • Shell 0.1%
  • Other 0.2%