This repository contains my personal dotfiles. I built this for my MacBook Pro M1, with a 5120x1440 resoluton + a FHD side monitor. It's themed with the Nord color palette - Github.
- WezTerm
- Sketchybar
- SbarLua
- Aerospace
- JankyBorders
- A single shortcut to play/pause the current media named "playpause"
- smctemp
- SF Symbols
- Sketchybar App Font
- Nerd Fonts (Meslo, SpaceMono, Hack Nerd Font)
- btop
- Node, pnpm, lua, and maybe other stuff I forgot about.
Most of the configuration is based on dotfiles from :
I use Aerospace as my tiling manager. I did not try yabai because I don't want to disable SIP.
Based on the dotfiles of SleepyScribe
- Homebrew
- Raycast
- weechat
- linearmouse
- cursor