Brain-wave-detection-system Public
Project is focused on the detection and extraction of a brain wave signal with the help of analog as well as digital circuitry. Using active electrodes on human scalp, the brain signals were fed in…
3 UpdatedAug 18, 2022 -
A-PathFinding-Visualizer Public
This pathfinding algorithm find the shortest-path & Generate grid using maze-generation algorithm and add the ability of controlling the grid structure & distribution of the blocks and the position…
Paper-battery Public
This paper reports on the use of cellulose paper simultaneously as electrolyte, separation of electrodes, and physical support of a rechargeable battery
battery presentation report research-paper paper-implementations electrochemical rechargeablebatteryUpdatedAug 16, 2022 -
flask-blog-website Public
a simple flask blog website where you can create accounts, post updates, comment, like and see other people posts
Sorting Visualizer is a basic simulation software which can simulate a few sorting algorithms. You can set sorting algorithm, type , order , speed and number of sticks etc.
pong Public
This simple "tennis like" game features two paddles and a ball, the goal is to defeat your opponent by being the first one to gain 10 point, a player gets a point once the opponent misses a ball. I…
Python UpdatedJul 19, 2022 -
WPM-Speed-Test Public
This program will test your typing skills and will show your accuracy, words per minute and total time taken to type the sentence.
Planet-Simulation Public
Simulate the orbit of different planets around the sun using real astronomical values like mass of the planets, distance from the sun, force of gravity to get accurate elliptical orbit.
amazon_price_tracker Public
created a simple web scraping tool using Beautiful soup and Request library. Which regularly checks the price of an item and when the price does go down it send an Email to the user alerting them t…
Facebook-automatic-login Public
This is a Python script to automate the login process on Facebook.com. It uses "Selenium" and "Chrome Webdriver_Manager" library to automate the process.
This program uses a python module named "Selenium" and "Chrome Webdriver_Manager" It takes Email ID & password as input from the user and posts a Happy Birthday message on your friend's timeline wh…
realtimeChatapp Public
Created a real time chat application using Django and Socket IO. Interactive chat application where multiple users can join and interact
Text-Utilities Public
It's A tool for analyzing and Correcting text data using python Django backend It is a simple django project or website in which we can Analyze text and perform the different fuctions .
vlsi-semiCustomDesign Public
In semi custom design, we use readily available library and block , So design of products will take less time and cost. Here we reduce cost of designing of product Performance of semicustom design …
Sudoku-solver-GUI Public
Sudoku Game made in Python3 using Bracktracking algorithm with recursive function in pygame for graphical GUI
Flappybird-GUI Public
Flappy Bird Game Is Made Using Python3 & Pygame Module. Your main objective is to get pass through the tunnels without colliding or falling down to the space. Your score increases if you pass a tun…
Announcement-Generator Public
Its a Tool for creating announcement sound files from an excel file and an exported audio track. and generates an announcement for that in Hindi and English language to help people.
Jarvis is a virtual assistant which can be used to automate your tasks As it uses Windows Speech Engine to talk & recognize your voice
Python UpdatedMar 31, 2022 -
newsapi Public
The program automatically finds the top latest news around the globe and reads the headlines to you and extract the link to that article so that the user can click on view article to read the artic…
DRS-review-GUI Public
Developed a DRS Review System where we can get help in giving accurate decision of out or not out looking at the replay of shots with beautiful animation.
minesweeperGUI Public
This is a Python implementation of Minesweeper!. it's a single-player puzzle video game objective of the game is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden "mines" or bombs without detonating a…
batterynotifier Public
A light weight & simple Python program for Scheduled push notifications in your Windows system regarding battery charge level status
notifications python battery-level notification-api push-notifications battery-monitor battery-informationPython UpdatedMar 30, 2022 -
asciiart Public
Convert any image into ASCII Art. and made it accessible to transfer by creating a new file for it.
BinarySearchProve Public
Taking list of number and finding the number with the help of Naive search vs the Binary search and calculating the time they take to find the number.
Python UpdatedOct 8, 2021 -
tic-tac-toe-AI Public
Tic Tac Toe with AI , follows the concept of Minimax Algorithm so that computer will never be defeated .