Where to get help:
the Docker Community Forums, the Docker Community Slack, or Stack Overflow -
Where to file issues:
https://github.com/docker-library/julia/issues -
Maintained by:
the Docker Community -
Published image artifact details:
repo-info repo'srepos/julia/
directory (history)
(image metadata, transfer size, etc) -
Image updates:
official-images PRs with labellibrary/julia
official-images repo'slibrary/julia
file (history) -
Source of this description:
docs repo'sjulia/
directory (history) -
Supported Docker versions:
the latest release (down to 1.6 on a best-effort basis)
Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function library.
Starting the Julia REPL is as easy as the following:
$ docker run -it --rm julia
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/myapp -w /usr/myapp julia julia script.jl arg1 arg2
View license information for the software contained in this image.