I am working on a project in which we need to test an APEX REST Service in such a way that no actual data is created in Salesforce during the testcases execution. I am new to APEX Development.
Searching on the web took me to fflib-apex-mocks library which seems to serve the purpose of avoiding the usage of actual test data inserted in the database for testcases execution. I have installed fflib-apex-mocks and fflib-apex-common in my sandbox environment.
So far, I am not able to find out a step-by-step guide as what I need to do if I want to test my existing Salesforce Objects at a unit level and how can I test my APEX Rest Service? From looking at the fflib-apex-common-samplecode it seems that I need to define classes for my Salesforce objects, I am not sure if I am getting this right.
At a higher-level, below are my questions at a higher-level:
- I have a Student__c Object already defined in Salesforce, it has some triggers for insert and update which has checks for various fields and I want these triggers to fire when I try an insert or update for the mock object. I want to develop testcases for that, what do I need to do? How do I start?
- I have an APEX Rest Service which gets a collection of Teacher__c objects converted to JSON based on the id of a Student__c object provided to it as a query parameter. I have previously developed testcases for APEX Rest Service but that didn't involved actual objects usage but my current scenario is different as it involves usage of actual objects.
Can someone please help me out in getting started?