R-GBD Person Tracking (RGPT) is a ROS framework for detecting and tracking people from a mobile robot.
AT requires the following packeges to build:
- OpenCV
- Boost
- ROS Indigo
- OpenMP
RGPT works under Linux 14.04 and ROS Indigo. For building the source, you have to put the repository inside your catking workspace and then follows the following command sequence:
- rospack profile
- catkin_make
INPUT: Check the file people_detection_complete.launch inside the folder people_detection/launch
<arg name="prefix" value="/top_camera" />
<node name="ground_detector" pkg="ground_detector" type="ground_detector_node" output="screen">
<param name="theta" value="12"/> <!-- xtion tilt angle -->
<param name="ty" value="1.5"/> <!-- xtion y traslation -->
<param name="debug" value="false"/> <!-- show the segmentation output -->
<param name="groundThreshold" value="0.05" /> <!-- under this threshold is considered ground -->
<param name="voxel_size" value="0.06" /> <!-- voxel size -->
<param name="min_height" value="1.0" /> <!-- min blob height -->
<param name="max_height" value="2.0" /> <!-- max blob height -->
<param name="min_head_distance" value="0.3" /> <!-- min distance between two heads -->
<param name="sampling_factor" value="3" /> <!-- sampling cloud factor -->
<param name="apply_denoising" value="false" />
<param name="mean_k_denoising" value="5" /> <!-- meanK for denoising (the higher it is, the stronger is the filtering) -->
<param name="std_dev_denoising" value="0.3" /> <!-- standard deviation for denoising (the lower it is, the stronger is the filtering) -->
<param name="max_distance" value="6" /> <!-- detection rate in meters -->
<param name="depth_topic" value="$(arg prefix)/depth/image_raw" />
<param name="camera_info_topic" value="$(arg prefix)/depth/camera_info" />
<param name="rgb_topic" value="$(arg prefix)/rgb/image_raw" />
<node name="dispatcher_node" pkg="dispatcher_node" type="dispatcher_node" output="screen">
<param name="min" value="1.5"/> <!-- min value for tracking only the face -->
<node name="people_detector" pkg="people_detection" type="people_detection_node" output="screen">
<param name="dataset" value="$(find people_detection)/config/inria_detector.xml"/> <!-- dataset filename -->
<param name="confidence" value="65."/> <!--min confidence for considering the blob as a person -->
<param name="image_scaling_factor" value="1.5"/><!--scaling factor for image detection (if you increase it, the detection speed increses and the precision decreses) -->
<node name="visual_tracker" pkg="visual_tracker" type="visual_tracker" output="screen">
<param name="image_scaling_factor" value="1.5"/><!--scaling factor for image detection (if you increase it, the detection speed increses and the precision decreses) -->
OUTPUT: topic: /tracks Message type: Traks A vector containing: int32 id Point2i point2D Point3D point3D
Once the build phase has been successfully, you can use RGPT by launching the following command:
- roslaunch people_detection people_detection_complete.launch
RGPT is divided in three steps:
- RGBD Segmentation
- People Detection
- People Tracking
You can find more information in the paper: COACHES: An assistance Multi-Robot System in public areas [link]