- Contract Development
- Lang: Solidity, Sway
- Frameworks/Testing: Hardhat, Rust
- Indexers: Fuel indexer, The Graph's Subgraph
- Lang: Rust, AssemblyScript
- Web3 Libs: EtherJS, web3.js, Wallet Connect
- Backend: NodeJS
- Frameworks: Hapi.js, Express.js, Nest.js)
- Frontend: React, HTML, CSS
- Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- DevOps: Github CI/CD, Gitlab CI/CD, AWS, Docker
- Other: Vim, Bash, Linux Geek
- Android App Development
- Contributed to Fuel Indexer
- Contributed to Messari as a Subgraph Developer.
- Worked on Clipto
- Built platform contracts in Solidity
- Designed website with React and Typescript
- Backend with NextJS, Subgraph for data querying