Here something about me:
- ๐ญ Development Specialist.
- ๐ซ My LinkedIn profile
- ๐ฏ Always interested in understanding how stuff works and learning new technologies.
- ๐ฌ Ask me about: Development :)
Project | Description |
M5Stack StickC Plus2 with Sensor Env III | Example of an IoT project of how you can extract temperature, humidity, pressure and altitude data from the ENV III sensor paired with the M5StickCPlus2. |
AnzolinNetDevPack | A smart set of common classes and implementations to improve your development productivity bundled in NuGet Packages. |
RabbitMQNetCore | A project example using RabbitMQ and .Net Core 6 (console). |
NetCorexUnitRockPaperScissorsGame | A test project example (net standard/core) using xUnit for RockPaperScissors Game. |
AspNetCoreDapperMySql | A project example using ASP.NET Core, Dapper ORM and MySQL. |
NetCoreSeleniumWebCrawler | A project example of Web Crawler using .NET Core and Selenium. |