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We should first create a next branch |
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Compatibility with React 19 and Next.js 15. |
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i think better React version adjust to >= 19 so that can use new react hooks inside antd component make it more easily |
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i really want to upgrade to Next.js 15 so i can use the new Turbopack. Webpack is so slow |
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when this project start? |
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suggest to deprecated all the other className like |
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guys, don't forget about accessibility! |
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I think a good feature is to pre-compile with
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强烈建议从 react 19 开始支持。 我使用 react 19 已经半年多了,我的感受是 React 19 是一个全新的、面向未来的版本。因此 antd 的新版本应该至少是基于 react 19 来开发,而不仅仅是兼容 react 19。 如果还继续兼容 react 18 的话,那么也就意味着许多新的 hook 和特性可能不会被使用,依然是基于老版本 react 18 来开发。 可能会出现的隐患有
如果完全基于 react 19 的话,开发者可以得到一个更加纯粹的版本。万分期待 ing |
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I heard someone say that React 19 dares to release breaking changes, why should Ant Design v6 care about older users?(React 18) |
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强烈建议从 react 19 开始支持。 |
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Is there an ETA for when this will be available? |
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I'm just here to see when to support react19. |
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Looks like there is a plan 😌 |
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antd最新版本不支持react@19,antd5确实会报错,用不了 |
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如果不做 RSC 相关的开发,React 19 并没有什么特别大的不同,v6 从 React 18 开始支持,兼容 React 19 这样就很好。 |
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能否 先 发布一个 预发布版本 来支持 React 19,React 19已经发布一周了,是时候规划了。 |
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关于是否兼容 React 18 的争论,我认为还是应该兼容的,不过你们可以收集一下 antd4 -> antd5 的项目,看看有多少是和 React 一起升级的,至少我们公司是先处理的 React 大版本升级,UI 框架的升级多少会在视觉上发生改变,所以对于我们来说优先级反而更低。另外,希望加快 antd5 对 React 19 的适配! |
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as someone who has to read ant design source, i wish antd6 take the path of minimizing outside dependencies and merge all packages especially rc-* repos into the main repo under components this should open up the road to reducing the bundle size, code complexity size and unnecessary nesting as well less dependencies - less pressure on vulnerabilities scanning too same with hooks to unify experience and reuse i would also have closer look at upcoming projects from Upcoming features can significantly improve dev experience and overall experience of people like myself wishing to experiment with source code Transformer The biggest objection I hear about ant - too many dependencies to grasp and study p.s. my chance to say thank you to all maintainers - guys, you created the best react kit for multilingual interfaces! respect to your work and endless efforts |
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希望能够移除 |
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建议在这个版本解决 Menu 组件长期以来的性能问题:#32681 , #41249 似乎由于历史包袱,官方不敢大刀阔斧去改 |
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Tooltip、Popconfirm、Popover 能否考虑合并为 Popover?Tooltip 实际上只是颜色样式略微不同,Popover 实际上只是提供了图标和两个操作按钮,功能都太少,作为单独的组件有点浪费。 |
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React 应用通常都将自己的入口命名为 App(create-react-app 的实现广为人知)。而 Ant Design 的 App 组件经常会和应用的 App 冲突,导致在编写代码时 ( 我的建议是,删除 Ant Design 的 App 组件,modal,message和notification通过独立的钩子和 Provider 提供: <ConfigProvider>
<App /> // 这是应用的 App 入口,不是 Ant Design 的 App 组件
</ConfigProvider> 这部分其实也可以在 v5 支持。 |
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关于 Table 组件,经常遇到的一个场景是,希望Table组件自适应的占据页面剩余空间,同时也希望Table的头部、底部保持固定的时候,自适应的把表格内容撑大。现在不管是手动来计算高度,还是通过hack的方法覆盖css样式,总是有点麻烦的。 |
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guys, please at least in the version 6 we want to use our custom icons library!, maybe a mapper from ant-icons to out custom ones will be helpul, ant-icons are too basic and too squared to be used in a professional way.. |
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>= 18
As planed, antd will start v6 version to match with React 19. This is also a good time to get rid of legacy browser support.
⚛️ React compatible to 18
React provide new strong hooks since 18. But to compatible with old version, antd inside use fallback logic to fullfill the hooks which may cause behavior difference between versions. And also some static method like
need the extra render ability which is not same function since 18 and can not compatible with 19 ever. So the version will be raised.🪦 Finally remove IE support
v5 removed base support but still provide fallback ability. In v6, will will fully remove IE support thus you can no longer use the legacy transform plugin to compatible with IE.
🌈 Pure css variables resolution
When deprecated IE support.
will only provide css variables resolution. It will save large scale of uselessmemo
comparison for dynamic style calculation.Also, css content part will support zero runtime generation which means you can use current
lib to generate framework level css and theme level css at same time. It can help to use css variable to do simplify theme switch or client fully ability for dynamic theme switch.🚫 Remove
antd will fallback to use
when children not supportref
. Since React 19 will traderef
as normal props, we will not longer support the fallback logic withfindDOMNode
anymore.🧩 Fully semantic DOM
All the components will provider semantic
props and added in ConfigProvider, thus you can customize theme ability when design token not support:🛠️ Retire v4 deprecated API
As major release tradition. The deprecated API before 2 version will be removed.
📱 Mobile UX improvement
For the interactive, partial component with popup element will do the adjustment for compatible with mobile device screen to improve the user experience. Some component may adjust design if can not auto scale.
Adoption strategy
branch which will keep sync withmaster
.Ant Design v6 tasks
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