GlassActionBar is a tiny library which implements a glass-like effect for the action bar.
This library is based on techniques outlined by Nicolas Pomepuy in a recent blog post.
For reasons of backwards compatibility this library relies on ActionBarSherlock. Native action bar support is in the works.
Try out the sample application:
Or browse the source code of the sample application for a complete example of use.
- Eclipse ADT users: add the library to your workspace as a library project, using the "New > Project > Android project from existing code" command. In the new project's preferences, mark it as a library project and add a reference to ActionBarSherlock, which should be in your workspace. Then reference the new library project from your application project.
- Maven users: I'm not uploading the library to maven central because Google hasn't made the Android 4.2 artifacts available there (don't ask me why). So you'll have to install the library to your local repo as an apklib using 'mvn install:install-file'. Oh, and you probably know this already, but to be able to compile aginst Android 4.2 you'll have to use this. Fun, I know.
- Gradle/Android Studio users: build the project (gradle build files are provided) and add the generated aar file to your application. I'm not a gradle expert and I have never used Android Studio, so easier options might be available.
Using the library is really simple, just look at the source code of the provided samples.
- Thanks to Nicolas Pometuy for sharing the techniques that make this library possible.
- The gaussian blur effect is based on code by Mario Klingemann which was ported to Android by Yahel Bouaziz.
- NotifyingScrollView class by Cyril Mottier.
- Cat icon by Davic Vignoni.
Does your app use GlassActionBar? If you want to be featured on this list drop me a line.
Manuel Peinado Gallego -
Copyright 2013 Manuel Peinado
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.