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Prometheus exporter exposing Cloudflare Analytics dashboard data on a per-zone basis, as well as Worker metrics. The exporter is also able to scrape Zone metrics by Colocations (https://www.cloudflare.com/network/).
Our public dashboard is available at https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/13133
To deploy the exporter into Kubernetes, we recommend to use our manager Helm repository at
helm repo add cloudflare-exporter https://lablabs.github.io/cloudflare-exporter/
helm install cloudflare-exporter/cloudflare-exporter
The exporter can be configured using env variables
KEY | description |
listen on addr:port ( default :8080), omit addr to listen on all interfaces |
path for metrics, default /metrics |
API key |
email associated with the API key (https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200167836-Managing-API-Tokens-and-Keys) |
API authentification token (https://developers.cloudflare.com/analytics/graphql-api/getting-started/authentication/api-token-auth) |
DEPRECATED (optional) Zone ID. Add zones you want to scrape by adding env vars in this format. You can find the zone ids in Cloudflare dashboards. |
(Optional) cloudflare zones to export, comma delimited list of zone ids, if not set, all zones from account are exported |
Defaults to all zones. |
Another configuration options are command line flags, same as environmental variables but lowercase, zones are not supported as flag, see ./cloudflare_exporter --help
-cf_api_email="": cloudflare api email, works with api_key flag
-cf_api_key="": cloudflare api key, works with api_email flag
-cf_api_token="": cloudflare api token (preferred)
-cf_zones="": cloudflare zones to export, comma delimited list
-listen=":8080": listen on addr:port ( default :8080), omit addr to listen on all interfaces
-metrics_path="/metrics": path for metrics, default /metrics
-scrape_delay=300: scrape delay in seconds, defaults to 300
From version 0.0.5 onward authentication using Bearer token is supported. Authentication using API key and email will continue working in later versions as well. The token authentication method is preferred.
The original method of zone filtering by using env variables ZONE_<name>
is now deprecated. Zones can be filtered by using CF_ZONES
env variable and setting the value as list of zones separated by a comma (CF_ZONES=zone1,zone2,zone3).
# HELP cloudflare_worker_errors_count Number of errors by script name
# HELP cloudflare_worker_requests_count Number of requests sent to worker by script name
# HELP cloudflare_zone_bandwidth_cached Cached bandwidth per zone in bytes
# HELP cloudflare_zone_bandwidth_content_type Bandwidth per zone per content type
# HELP cloudflare_zone_bandwidth_country Bandwidth per country per zone
# HELP cloudflare_zone_bandwidth_ssl_encrypted Encrypted bandwidth per zone in bytes
# HELP cloudflare_zone_bandwidth_total Total bandwidth per zone in bytes
# HELP cloudflare_zone_colocation_edge_response_bytes Edge response bytes per colocation
# HELP cloudflare_zone_colocation_visits Total visits per colocation
# HELP cloudflare_zone_pageviews_total Pageviews per zone
# HELP cloudflare_zone_requests_cached Number of cached requests for zone
# HELP cloudflare_zone_requests_content_type Number of request for zone per content type
# HELP cloudflare_zone_requests_country Number of request for zone per country
# HELP cloudflare_zone_requests_origin_status_country_host Count of not cached requests for zone per origin HTTP status per country per host
# HELP cloudflare_zone_requests_ssl_encrypted Number of encrypted requests for zone
# HELP cloudflare_zone_requests_status Number of request for zone per HTTP status
# HELP cloudflare_zone_requests_status_country_host Count of requests for zone per edge HTTP status per country per host
# HELP cloudflare_zone_requests_total Number of requests for zone
# HELP cloudflare_zone_threats_country Threats per zone per country
# HELP cloudflare_zone_threats_total Threats per zone
# HELP cloudflare_zone_uniques_total Uniques per zone
Images are available at Dockerhub
docker build -t lablabs/cloudflare_exporter .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -e CF_API_KEY=${CF_API_KEY} -e CF_API_EMAIL=${CF_API_EMAIL} lablabs/cloudflare_exporter
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -e CF_API_TOKEN=${CF_API_TOKEN} lablabs/cloudflare_exporter
or example with selected zones and listen port
docker run --rm -p 8080:8081 -e CF_API_TOKEN=${CF_API_TOKEN} -e CF_ZONES=zoneid1,zoneid2,zoneid3 -e LISTEN=:8081 lablabs/cloudflare_exporter
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -i lablabs/cloudflare_exporter --help
Feel free to create an issue in this repository if you have questions, suggestions or feature requests.
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Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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